

This is roughly the area between the Ural and Yakutia, minus Tuva and Altai in the south. The three best known mineralogical areas are Norilsk, the Tunguska river area and the Vostochnyi Sayan (Eastern Sayan mountain). The area is quite big and rich and this page will probably chopped up in several smaller ones in the near future.

Abakan deposit

The Abakan deposit is located about 176 km southwest of the city of Abakan in the Zapadnyi Sayan Mountains. The deposit is skarn situated in diverse Cambrian sediment and connected to a Cambrian syenite-diorite intrusion.

Actinolite Albite Arsenopyrite Calcite Epidote Halloysite-10A Hematite Magnetite Pyrite Quartz Quartz Siderite Sphalerite

Abagas deposit

Located less than a kilometer from Tyoya deposit. It is also a magnetite deposit and probably of very similar geology

Anakit Creek

Located near the Nizhnaya Tunguska river Anakit Creek is a skarn deposit formed on the contact of diabase and marble.

Afwillite Glaucochroite Merwinite Rankinite Spurrite Tilleyite


The Anzas deposit is located about 100km southwest of Abakan in Zapanyi Sayan. Anzas is a skarn iron deposit. The sediment consists of quartz-ablite schists, amphybolites and quartzites. The schists contain limestone lenses. Gabbro intruded these rocks.

Actinolite Albite Biotite Chalcopyrite Fluoroapatite Magnetite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Sphalerite

Ore deposits id the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol I, pp 65 - 67


A very small nepheline syenite intrusion on the Taimyr peninsula.

Aegirine Albite Analcime Augite Nepheline Schorlomite

The name of the locality suggests Anhydrite can be found here also.....

Artyomovsky mine

Located in the East Sayan region


Belskoye deposit

Located in East Sayan

Cassiterite Spodumene


Birulinskoye is a Permian REE-Li pegmatite on the Taimyr peninsula.

Bolshaya Balakhnya river

Possibly an interesting locality because the calcite from here contains cobalt. Bolshaya Balakhnya river is located on the Taimyr perninsula.


Botogolskoye is a graphite deposit, located in East Sayan. It is a so called early magmatic deposit.

Barytolamprofyllite Cancrinite Graphite Nepheline Zircon


Boxon is an Upper Proterozoic Bauxite locality in the Eastern Sayan mountains.


Golozovskoye is probably an LCT pegmatite. It is located in the Sayan Mountains.

Montebrasite Pollucite

Montebrasite-golo.jpg (24811 bytes)
Pollucite-golo.jpg (19304 bytes)

Gorevsk deposit

The Gorevsk deposit is situated on the left bank of the Angara river. It is a so called metamorphosed lead zinc deposit and it was discovered in 1953. The oldest and most important rocks of the deposit are two groups of Riphean rocks, the Shuntar group and the Kirgitei group. The Shuntar group consists of schists and the Kirgitei group consists of calcarous shales with seams of marble. This was formed by the metamorphose of thin layers of limestone. Allthough it is not a skarn, since there is no intrusion, the rock and mineralogy does resemble one. A more recent layer of metamorphic rocks is formed by late Devonian to early Carboniferous marls, sandstones and siltstones. There are also some minor Riphean dolerite intrusions

 Acanthite Albite Anglesite Ankerite Arsenopyrite Boulangerite Bournonite Breithauptite Cerussite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite Covellite Dolomite Dyscrasite Elbaite Epidote Fluoroapatite Galena Gudmundite Jamesonite Magnetite Marcasite Muscovite Pyrargyrite Pyrite Pyromorfite Pyrrhotite Quartz Siderite Silver Sphalerite Sternbergite Tremolite

Ore deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol II, pp245-249


Located in the Zashikhinshinskiy metallogenic belt in Eastern Sayan mountains. The deposit consists of two separate ore formations consisting of nests streaks and stockworks, spatially related to the Iisky-Gorkhon fault The hydrothermal mercury ores sit in hostrock consisting of neoproterozoic sandstone and shale discordantly overlapped by sandstone and conglomerate.

Chalcopyrite Cinnabar Dolomite Marcasite Pyrite Quartz Tiemannite


Descriptions of Northeast Asia Metallogenic Belts. By Sergey M. Rodionov et al.

Gule massif

The Gule massif is located in the Kotui basin and is part of the Maimecha-Kotui magmatic province. This province is located between the Kotui and Maimecha rivers, which flow roughly south to north between Enissei and Khatanga. (There are more Kotui rivers in the area!). The Gule massif is a very large heterogeneous intrusion, with a large dunite component. To the northwest lay Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits of the Khatanga depression and to the southeast paleozoic carbonate and terrigene sediments. Where these two formation meet is a zone with Triassic volcanogene rocks. The Gule intrusion is part of this zone. Other nearby rocks in this zone comprise meimechites of the Meimechin formation, alkaline basalts, trachytes, andesites and picrites of the Del'kan formation, basalt of the Kogotok formation, basaltic tuff and tuffaceous sandstone of the Pravoboyar formation and alkaline basalts, augitites and alkaline picrites of the Arydzhang formation.

The Gule massif and the nearby similar occurences (Kudga, Bor Uryakh, Magan and Odikhincha) where mainly known as source for phlogopite and clinohumite. Minerals from their carbonatite component. In the 1980's large amounts of osmium dominant PGE placers where found in nearby rivers. Since then the dunite component is of interest as probable future osmium source.

Aegirine Albite Biotite Calcite Calzirtite Cancrinite Chromite Clinohumite Diopside Dolomite Eudialyte Fluorite Fluoroapatite Forsterite Hibschite Magnetite Melilite Monticellite Natrolite Nepheline Osmium Perowskite Perowskite Phlogopite Pyrochlore Pyrrhotite Schorlomite Spinel

Fad'yu Kuda massif

Located on the Taimyr peninsula, itconsists of alkaline rocks.


Hungtukunsk intrusion


The Hungtukunsk intrusion is located between the Malaya- and Bolshoi Romanikha rivers, just west of the Maimechka river. Ultrabasic intrusions came into contact with organic material. This caused the formation of large amounts of native iron. About 300km to the southwest is a very similar locality, called, Ozernaya Gora.

Chalcopyrite Cohenite Copper Fayalite Graphite Hercynite Ilmenite Iron Magnetite Pigeonite Pyrrhotite Troilite Wustite

* The mineralogy was found in the reference below and it is not clear wether this rerefs to Ozernaya Gora or the Hungtukunsk intrusion. But mineralogy of both localities is likely identical.

[A.A. Godovikov, V.V.Rjabov, Lapis 4/93,pp30-33 Eine neue, große Lagerstätte von terrestrischem gediegenem Eisen in Nordwest Siberien.]


Irbinskoye is located in East Sayan Mountains

Andradite Babingtonite Barite Calcite Fluorite Ilvaite Magnetite

Kansko-Achinskyi coal basin

beryez2.jpg (8613 bytes)

Apart from the famous Kuzbas there is another large coal basin in southern Siberia, the Kansk-Achinsk coal basin. The basin stretches from wst to east along a syncline in jurassic sediments. The coal is mostly browncoal, won in large open-cuts.

Individual mines are:

Achinsk Altat
Barandat Beryezovo
Bogotol Itat
Kibiten' Nasarovo
Tisul' Uryup

Not much is known from the local mineralogy. The dumps of at least Beryezovo are or have been burning. From Bogotol Graphite is known.

graphite-bogotol.jpg (18900 bytes)


Kemerovo area
(Kuzbass district)

   Kremerovo Oblast                    Andzhero-Sudzhensk         Prokopyevsk              Tashtagol              Mezhdurechensk

Kemerovo is a Siberian mining town, as can be seen in the above heraldy!. The Kuzbass is actually a large coal district stretching to almost 300 kilometers, orientated NNW-SSE. In this section I reportthe coal mines that I have found so far. A look on Google Earth shows there are plenty more mines.  I have not yet found any evidence of mineralogy in the coalmines of the district. Until that happens I will list the coal mines I traced here without much description: 

Biryulinskaya mine, a closed mine near Beresovsky
Kiselyovsky open pit, near Kiselyovsk
Krasnogorsky mine, open pit mine, near Mezhdurechensk
Listvyazhnaya mine, underground mine
Oktyabrskaya mine, underground mine in Polysayevo
Ossinkovskaya mine, underground coal mine
Romanovsky mine, a shaft near Beresovsky
Sibirginsky mine, a strip mine near Mezhdurechensk
Sibirskaya mine, underground coal mine in Anzhero-Sudzhensk
Taizhina mine, underground coal mine
Yesaulskaya mine, underground mine near Novokuznetsk
Vysokaya mine, now closed coal mine, at the site where now the Taizhina mine is.
Ziminka mine, underground mine in Prokopyevsk
Zyryanovskaya mine

The mineralogy of the Kuzbass is more interesting than coal. There are numerous skarns in the basin to, see for instance Tyoya, Tashtagol or Sheregesh iron deposits!


Khavokiperskiye Rocks

The Khavokiperskiye rocks is a polymetallic ore occurence in the basin of the Nizhnaya Tunguska river, on the left bank of the river 40km downstream or Tura.

Calcite Chalcopyrite Evenkite* Galena Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Sphalerite



Kiya-Shaltyr is a nepheline-syenite intrusion in the Chernorechensk graben in the Kuznetsk Alatau mountains. It is an alcalic-ultramafic intrusion associated with carbonatites. It's age is approximately 383 m.y.. 



Krutnoye is one of those typical zeolite localities which occur more in the basin of the Nizhnaya Tunguska river.

Analcime Calcite Fluorapophyllite Heulandite-Ca Mordenite-Ca Quartz Stilbite-Ca Tungusite

Kugda massif

Located in the Kotui basin close to Gule. Similar to Gule it is a heterogeneous intrusion  consisting of ultrabasic as well as alkaline rocks. Carbonatites also occur at Kugda. See Gule (above) for a more detailed description of the regional geology.

Aegirine Augite Calcite Cancrinite Chromite Clinohumite Clinohumite Combeite Diopside Djerfisherite Dolomite Fluoroapatite Forsterite Magnetite Melilite Monticellite Nepheline Pectolite Pentlandite Perowskite Phlogopite Pyrrhotite Sodalite Titanite Vermiculite Wollastonite


Kulunda is a salt lake located in southern Siberia, just east of Pavlodar (Kazakhstan).

Glauberite, Halite


A little known nepheline syenite deposit on the Taimyr peninsula.


I could not find many references about Kuzmovka, other than that it is located along the Podkamenaya Tunguska river.Judging from the mineralogy the locality is very similar to the skarn of Anakit creek long the Nizhnaya Tunguska.    Any information is welcome

Afwillite Melilite Merwinite Spurrite Tilleyite


A syenite-essexite intrusion on theTaimyr peninsula.

Allanite-(Ce) Eudialyte Fluorite Fluoroapatite Magnetite Quartz Riebeckite Titanite Zircon


Lebedskoye is a skarn deposit in Paleozoic limestones formed by paleozoic diorite intrusions. Lebedskoye is located in the Gornaya Shoriya, where other skarns like Tashtagol and Sheregeshkoye are also located.

Altaite Arsenopyrite Bornite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite Diopside Galena "Garnet" Gold Magnetite Melonite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Sphalerite Tennantite Tetrahedrite Wollastonite

The geochemistry of gold and it's deposits, geological survey of Canada, bulletin 280, 1979, p 251

Lenivaya river

Located on the Taimyr peninsula



Lysansk is a dunite-pyroxenite intrusion with magnetite ore in East Sayan.



A carbonatite on the Taimyr peninsula. The locality s potentially interesting because additional to the mineralogy below there are REE carbonates repored. 

Albite Ankerite Barite Dolomite Fluorite Fluoroapatite Hematite Magnetite Phlogopite Siderite


Natal'evskoye s a skarn deposit at the contact between Paleozoic limestones and a Paleozoic diorite intrusion in the Kuznetskii Alatau

Altaite Arsenopyrite Bismuth Bornite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite Diopside Galena "Garnet" Gold Magnetite Melonite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Sphalerite Tennantite Tetrahedrite Wollastonite

The geochemistry of gold and it's deposits, geological survey of Canada, bulletin 280, 1979, p 251

Nidym river

Mostly known for it's zeolites in triassic basalt. My hemimorphite-limonite specimen from here suggests it is  probably a polymetallic deposit like the Khavokiperskiye rocks.

Analcime Calcite Chabazite Erionite Fluorapophyllite Gyrolite Hemimorphite Laumontite Mordenite Stilbite Thomsonite

calcite-nadym.jpg (28646 bytes) chabazite-nidym.jpg (41968 bytes) hemimorphite.jpg (73737 bytes)
     Calcite               Chabazite          Hemimorphite

Norilsk / Talnakh

Odykhincha massif

Odykhincha is a heterogeneous intrusion consisting of utrabasic and alkaline rocks as well as carbonatite. See Gule (above) for a more detailed description of he local geology.

Aegirine Albite Augite Biotite Calcite Cancrinite Chromite Clinohumite Diopside Eudialyte Fluoroapatite Forsterite Juanite Lamprophyllite Magnetite Melilite Mosandrite Natrolite Nepheline Pectolite Perowskite Phlogopite Phlogopite Pyrochlore Pyrrhotite Schorlomite Spinel Titanite


Ol'khovo is a gold-sulphide deposit in East Sayan. The geology of the area consists of lower and middle Cambrian sediments (limestones, tuffs, sandstones and slates). All these where heavily folded. In the Ordovician several kinds of intrusive rocks of the Ol'khovo complex intruded these sediments. The intrusive rocks consist of granites, granodiorites, diorites and gabbrodiorites. The ores are connected with skarns formed with these intrusions

Ankerite Arsenopyrite Bismuth Bornite Calcite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite Dolomite Galena Gold Hessite Krennerite Magnetite Marcasite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Siderite Sphalerite Tennantite Tetradymite

Ozernaya Gora


Ozernaya is a mountain in the western part of the Putorana mountains, 125km north of the mouth of the Kureijka river. Here the Hungtukunsk gabbro dolerite  intrusion is situated on top of Devonian and Silurian bitumose limestones and dolomites and under triassic basalt. 

Chalcopyrite Cohenite Copper Fayalite Graphite Hercynite Ilmenite Iron Magnetite Pigeonite Pyrrhotite Troilite Wustite

* The mineralogy was found in the reference below and it is not clear wether this rerefs to Ozernaya Gora or the Hungtukunsk intrusion. But mineralogy of both localities is likely identical.

cohenite-ozernaya.jpg (70714 bytes)
iron-ozernaya.jpg (77472 bytes)

[A.A. Godovikov, V.V.Rjabov, Lapis 4/93,pp30-33 Eine neue, große Lagerstätte von terrestrischem gediegenem Eisen in Nordwest Siberien.]


Ozernoye deposit

Little is known other than 10cm analcime crystals where found here. Ozernoye is located along the Nizhnaya Tunguska river. THe Analcime was found here in  4 meter thick (pillow) basalt flows

Analcime, Calcite, Thomsonite

analcime-ozernoye.jpg (31830 bytes) Thomsonite-ozern.jpg (54815 bytes)
    Analcime         Thomsonite

Analcime from the Nizhnaya Tunguska river, R.V. Galiulin et al, World of Stones 9/96, p46

Popigay crater

The Popigay crater was formed during a meteorite impact in the late eocence. The crater that was formed is about 100km in diameter and can be clearly seen about 300km east of Khatanga, where there is a huge circular depression in the mountains. The result of the Popigay impact was mainly a shock compression of the local rocks, which partially transformed into typical high pressure minerals. The resulting rock is called a Suevite.

Diamond,  Londsdaleite Maskelynite (= Bytownite glass).

suevite.jpg (46272 bytes)
  Suevite rock

Razdolninskoye deposit

located in the Ennisei Kryazh

Quartz Stibnite

Rudnaya Gora

Rudnaya gora is an iron skarn deposit in eastern Siberia



 Heulandite Mordenite Stilbite


Sedete is a melteigite, shonkinite, nepheline syenite formation in the Maimecha-Kotui basin

Aegirine Albite Augite Biotite Diopside Fluoroapatite Magnetite Nepheline Perowskite Phlogopite Titanite


Shalym is an iron skarn, located in the Gornaya Shoriya near the Tashel river mouth, in the Kremerovo district.



Sheregeshkoye is located 30km north of Tashtagol in the Gornaya Shoriya. It is a magnesium skarn at the contact between ordovician  and cambrian sedimentary rocks with gabbroids and syenites of the Mustag-Sarlyk pluton.

Actinolite Andradite Arsenopyrite Biotite Brucite Calcite Chalcopyrite Clinohumite Diopside Dolomite Dolomite Epidote Fluoroapatite Forsterite Galena Magnetite Pargasite Phlogopite Phlogopite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Rhodochrosite Sphalerite Spinel Tremolite

Ore deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol I, pp 49 - 51


Sorsk or Sorskoye deposit is located noethwest of Abakan in Khakasia. Geologically this area is just part of the East-Sayan Altai folded zone. The deposit consists of granites and diorites

Azurite Bismuth Chalcopyrite Copper Covellite Creedite Cubanite Cuprite Ferrimolybdite Fluorite Gearksutite Magnetite Maucherite Molybdenite Pyrite Quartz Rutile Silver Spessartine Sphalerite Uraninite Wulfenite

Sovetsk deposit

The Sovetsk deposit is located on the Enisei Ridge. The Enisei  Ridge is an anticlinorium consisting mainly of Proterozoic sediments. In the upper Proterzoikum granitic bodies where injected into these sediments forming granitic bodies, gneisses, aplite and diabase-porphyrite dykes. After this the area was subject to metamorphic deformation , erosion and graben formation.

Albite Ankerite Arsenopyrite Bismuthinite Calaverite Calcite Chalcopyrite Fluoroapatite Freibergite Galena Gold Ilmenite Marcasite Maucherite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Silver Sphalerite Violarite Zircon

The geochemistry of gold and it's deposits, geological survey of Canada, bulletin 280, 1979, p 287

Stavrolitovaya mountain

Located on the Taimyr peninsula


Tashtagol deposit

Tashtagol is a skarn iron deposit near Tashtagol railwaystation, about 200 kilometers southeast of Novokuznetsk. It is located in the famous Gornaya Shoriya (Black Mountains). The skarn is formed by an intrusion of quartz-syenite into middle cambrian folded sedimentary rocks. This contains volcanosedimentary rocks as well as limestones and marble. 

Arsenopyrite Calcite Chalcopyrite Epidote Fluorite Fluoroapatite Galena Hematite Magnetite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Rhodochrosite Sphalerite Tennantite Tetrahedrite

Ore Deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol I pp 46-47

Tatarskoye river

A world famous locality for large pyrochlore crystals. Tatarskoye is located in the Enissi Kryazh, Krasnoyarsk Kraj. About 100km from where the Angara river flows into the Enissei river. Tatarskoye is geologically located in the Enissei Ridge foldbelt. It is a carbonatite formed between 660 and 620 Ma ago as part of the Tatarsko-Tyradinsk metallogenic belt.

Aeschynite-(Nd) Anorthite Astrophyllite Eudialyte Pyrochlore


Telbes is a skarn deposit in Western Siberia. It is a rare silicate-skarn type deposit formed by arkosic sandstones and siltstones



Temir-Tau is a so called iron skarn deposit, located in the Gornaya Shoriya at the Tashel river mouth in the Kremerovo district.


Tetere river

Located in the basin of the podkamennaya Tunguska river.

Analcime Aragonite Barite Fluorapophyllite Heulandite Mesolite Mordenite Prehnite Stilbite


Tura is a settle ment (one of the very few) along the Nizhnaya Tunguska river. Many minerals re reported from here, mainly zeolites from the triassic basalt.

Analcime Calcite Datolite Fluorapophyllite Pectolite Powellite Quartz Thomsonite Tungusite

Tyoya deposit

The Tyoya deposit is located 183km west of Abakan in the Kuzbass. It is a skarn iron deposit at the contact of dolomitized late proterozoic-early cambrian limestones with granitoid intrusive rocks. There are Cambrian and Ordovician granites as well as granosyenites and syenites. There are also pre-ore diorite present.

Arsenopyrite Calcite Chalcopyrite Chondrodite Clinohumite Cordierite Diopside Elbaite Epidote Fluorite Forsterite Hematite Magnesite Magnetite Marialite Mejonite Nickeline Phlogopite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Safflorite Sphalerite Spinel Talc Titanite Tremolite Vesuvianite

Ore deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol I, pp 47-49


The Uderei deposit is situated on the Yenissei Ridge, on the eastern limb of the Tatar snticlinorium. The rocks consist of proterozoic metamorphic rocks like quartzites, amphibolites, slates, phyllites and siltstones.Later, in the Mesozoic sediments filled up the lower portions. The proterozoic metamorphic rocks are cut by interstratal intrusion. They are mainly basic and consist of diabase, gabbro-diabase and porphyrites. But also more acidic granite intrusions occur. The ores are connected with quartz veins in the schist.

Antimonite Arsenopyrite Berthierite Bournonite Chalcopyrite Chalcostibite Jamesonite Pyrite Quartz Siderite Sphalerite

Ore deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol II, pp 293-295


This locality is also known as Elash, but Vishujakovskoye just sounds much better! It is a granite pegmatite, located in the East Sayan mountains.

Albite Eucryptite Eudialyte Lepidolite Lithiophyllite Montebrasite Muscovite Sicklerite Spodumene Topaz Wodginite 

Vivi river

(very inacurate placemark because the river is very long)

Located in the Nizhnaya Tunguska basin. Mineralogy contains zeolites from Triassic basalt.

Calcite Fluorapophyllite Heulandite Thomsonite


Syenites and trachites on the Taimyr peninsula

Analcime Andesine Augite Biotite Fluorite Fluoroapatite Magnetite Marialite Orthoclase Quartz Titanite Zircon


The Maimecha-Kotui Region: A New Platinum Province in Russia, by K.N. Malitch et al, Doklady Akademia Nauk Vol 348, No 4, 1996