Locality pictures of the Yuzhnye Ural

Bakal quarry
[photo: Oleg Demiyanenko]

Cheremshansk nickel mine
[photo: Oleg Demiyanenko]


The closed Blagodatny quarry
[photo Victor Puchkov]

Faisullino quarry
[Photo: Victor Puchkov]


Irkuskan quarry, Bakal.
[photo Victor Puchkov]


Karagay quarry
[photo Victor Puchkov]


Sibay quarry
[photo: Victor Puchkov]


Suran quarry
[photo Victor Puchkov]

The Uchaly mine.
[Photo: Victor Puchkov]



Yaman Kasay quarry
[Photo: Victor Puchkov]

The Zelentsov mine
[photo: Oleg Demiyanenko]


Many thanks to Viktor Puchkov, who organized two geological tours in this area and was willing to share some of his pictures. Please look at: http://www.anrb.ru/geol/MinUrals/ for a more detailed description about the various suites and outcrops.