Geological map of Karelia
[source: Agency for Natural Resources on Karelia]
a23 | Krevjakinsky horizon. Organogenic limestone; bands of siltstone and clay. |
a24 | Mjachkovsky horizon. Organogenic limestone, bands of siltstone and clay. |
a25 | Podolsky horizon. Organogenic limestone, bands of siltstone and clay. |
a26 | Kashinsky horizon. Organogenic limestone with chert, bands of siltstone and clay. |
a27 | Vereysky horizon. Clay, sand, sandstone, bands of limestone and dolomite. |
a28 | Protvinsky horizon. Limestone, dolomite, clay. |
a29 | Tarussky and Steshevsky horizons. Limestone and dolomite with chert, clay, siltstone, sand. |
a30 | Venevsky horizon. Limestone, clay, siltstone, sand. |
a31 | Alexinsky and Mikhailovsky horizons. Organogenic limestone, clay with carbon and kaolin, siltstone, sand, sandstone. |
a32 | Tulsky horizon. Clay, bauxite, carbon schist, sand, sandstone, siltstone. |
a46 | Snezhsky horizon. Clay, siltstone, limestone, dolomite. |
a47 | Daugava horizon. Limestone, dolomite with bands of clay, sand, siltstone. |
a48 | Sargaevsky horizon. Limestone, dolomite, bands of clay and gypsum. |
a70 | Redkino and Kotlin horizons. Clay, siltstone, argillite, sandstone, sand. |
d02 | Valaamsky complex of ferrodolerite. Subalkaline ferrodolerite. |
d03 | Valaamsky complex of ferrodolerite. Monzonite, quartz monzonite. |
d05 | Middle Riphean deposits. Sandstone, trachybasalt, ferrobasalt, tuff, tuffstone. |
d07 | Salminsky complex of rapakivi granite. Fourth phase. Protolithionitic leucogranites. |
d08 | Salminsky complex of rapakivi granite. Third phase. Porphiritic leucogranit. |
d09 | Salminsky complex of rapakivi granite. Third phase. Equalgrain leucogranite. |
d10 | Salminsky complex of rapakivi granite. Second phase. Amphibole-biotite ovoidal granites. |
d11 | Salminsky complex of rapakivi granite. First phase. Quartz monzonite. |
d12 | Uljalegsky complex of rapakivi granite. Fourth phase. Li-F- leucogranite. |
d13 | Uljalegsky complex of rapakivi granite. Fourth phase. Leucogranite. |
d14 | Uljalegsky complex of rapakivi granite. Third phase. Leucogranite. |
d15 | Uljalegsky complex of rapakivi granite. Second phase. Amphibole-biotite granite. |
d16 | Uljalegsky complex of rapakivi granite. First phase. Quartz syenites. |
d17 | Vagozero complex of gabbro-anorthosite. Anorthosite. |
d18 | Vagozero complex of gabbro-anorthosite. Gabbro, gabbro-norite, monzonite. |
d19 | Vagozero complex of gabbro-anorthosite. Mgt-pyroxenite. |
g01 | Roprucheysky complex of dolerite. Dolerite. |
g02 | Vepsian superhorizon. Red sandstone, carbon siltstone, mica schist, quartz conglomerate, dolomite, limestone, basalt, acid volcanite, tuff, tuffstone. |
g03 | Tikshozero-Eletozero complex of clinopyroxenite-alkaline gabbro-nepheline syenite. Late subcomplex. Third phase. Calcite carbonatite. |
g04 | Tikshozero-Eletozero complex of clinopyroxenite-alkaline gabbro-nepheline syenite. Late subcomplex. Second phase. Alkaline and nepheline syenite. |
g05 | Tikshozero-Eletozero complex of clinopyroxenite-alkaline gabbro-nepheline syenite. Late subcomplex. First phase. Alkaline gabbro, nepheline pyroxenite. |
g06 | Tikshozero-Eletozero complex of clinopyroxenite-alkaline gabbro-nepheline syenite. Early subcomplex. Second phase. Subalkaline gabbro. |
g07 | Tikshozero-Eletozero complex of clinopyroxenite-alkaline gabbro-nepheline syenite. Early subcomplex. Second phase. Clinopyroxenite. |
g08 | Tikshozero-Eletozero complex of clinopyroxenite-alkaline gabbro-nepheline syenite. Early subcomplex. Second phase. Gabbro-norite, olivine gabbro. |
g09 | Tikshozero-Eletozero complex of clinopyroxenite-alkaline gabbro-nepheline syenite. Early subcomplex. First phase. Olivinite, olivine-pyroxene rocks. |
g10 | Vidansky complex of dykes and sills. Dolerite, dioritic porphyrite, subalkaline picrite. |
g11 | Kalevian superhorizon(a). Feldspar sandstone, siltstone, quartzite, shungite schist, subalkaline basalt, tuffstone. |
g12 | Jatulian-Ludikovian complex of diabase. Dykes of augite gabbro-diabase and diabase. |
g13 | Suisarian complex of peridotite and picrite. Verlite, lherzolite, pyroxenite, picrite, picritic porphyrite. |
g14 | Ludikovian complex of dykes and sills. Augite diabase, gabbro-diabase. |
g15 | Ludikovian superhorizon. Upper part. Shungite-bearing schist, basalt, picrobasalt, picritic porhyrite, tuffstone, tuff, tuffite. |
g16 | Ludikovian superhorizon. Lower part. Sandstone, siltstone, limestone, dolomite, carbonate-sericite-chlorite schist, shungite, basalt, tuffstone. |
g17 | Pudozhgorsky complex of gabbro-diabase - monzodiorite. Gabbro-diabase, diabase, monzodiorite. |
g18 | Jatulian complex of dykes and sills. Gabbro-diabase with albite and Ti-Mgt. |
g19 | Jatulian superhorizon. Upper part. Dolomite, limestone, sandstone, siltstone, argillite, gravellite, quartz conglomerate, basalt. |
g20 | Jatulian superhorizon. Middle part. Quartzite and sandstone, siltstone, sandstone, gravellite, quartz conglomerate, Mgt-basalt, tuffite. |
g21 | Jatulian superhorizon. Lower part. Quartzite and sandstone, gravellite, siltstone, quartzite, quartz conglomerate, basalt, diabase. |
g22 | Sariolian superhorizon. Conglomerate, sandstone, chlorite-sericite schist, tuffstone, tuff, tuffite. |
g23 | Ragnozero complex of monzodiorite-granite. Late phases. Granite, granophyre granite, granite-porphyry, granosyenite. |
g24 | Ragnozero complex of monzodiorite-granite. Early phases. Monzodiorite, quartz monzodiorite, quartz syenite. |
g25 | Burakovsky complex of peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro-norite. Dunite, serpentinite. |
g26 | Burakovsky complex of peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro-norite. Peridotite, serpentinite. |
g27 | Burakovsky complex of peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro-norite. Pyroxenite, norite, peridotite. |
g28 | Burakovsky complex of peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro-norite. Gabbro-norite, gabbro, Ti-Mgt gabbro-diorite. |
g29 | Burakovsky complex of peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro-norite. Dykes of gabbro-norite, gabbro-pyroxenite, peridotite. |
g30 | Njarankovarsky complex of peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro-norite. Peridotite, vebsterite, bronsitite, gabbro-norite, gabbro-diorite, diorite. |
g31 | Sumian complex of dykes and sills. Gabbro-diabase, diabase, dolerite. |
g32 | Sumian superhorizon. Conglomerate, sandstone, basalt, andesitic basalt, andesite, tuff. |
i03 | Elisenvaara-Vuoksa complex of gabbro-monzonite-syenite-granite. Second phase. Quartz syenite, syenite. |
i05 | Elisenvaara-Vuoksa complex of gabbro-monzonite-syenite-granite. First phase. Monzonite, melanocratic syenite. |
i07 | Matkaselsky complex of leucogranite. Double micaceous leucogranite with muskovite, garnet and tourmaline, rare-metal pegmatite. |
i08 | Borodinsko-Putsarsky complex of granite. Granite. |
i10 | Pitkaranta complex of pegmatoid granite. Pegmatoid leucogranite with biotite, ceramic pegmatite. |
i11 | Svecofennian complex of anatectite-granite. Granite, adamellite, leucogranite, migmatite. |
i12 | Impiniemsky complex of diorite-granite. Second phase. Granite, plagiogranite, granodiorite. |
i13 | Impiniemsky complex of diorite-granite. First phase. Diorite, quartz diorite, monzodiorite. |
i14 | Velimjaksky complex of gabbro-monzodiorite. Second phase. Monzodiorite, diorite, monzonite, syenite. |
i15 | Velimjaksky complex of gabbro-monzodiorite. First phase. Gabbro, gabbro-pyroxenite, hornblendite. |
i16 | Svecofennian complex of gabbro-amphibolite. Gabbro-amphibolite, gabbro diabase. |
i17 | Lauvatsarsky complex of diorite-plagiogranite. Late phases. Plagiogranite, plagiogranite-porphyry, tonalite. |
i18 | Lauvatsarsky complex of diorite-plagiogranite. Early phases. Gabbro-diorite, gabbro, quartz diorite. |
i19 | Kaalamsky gabbro-diorite complex. Early phases. Diorite, quartz diorite. |
i20 | Kaalamsky gabbro-diorite complex. Late phase. Gabbro, gabbro-diorite, hornblendite, gabbro-pyroxenite. |
i21 | Kurkijoki enderbite complex. Late phase : Enderbite. |
i23 | Hiitola-Lahdenpohja metamorphic complex. Garnet and sillimanite gneiss, gneiss-granite, amphibolite, supracrustal rocks. |
i24 | Hiitola-Lahdenpohja metamorphic complex. Garnet and sillimanite gneiss. |
i25 | Hiitola-Lahdenpohja metamorphic complex. Supracrustal hyperstene rocks. |
i26 | Hiitola-Lahdenpohja metamorphic complex. Mica gneiss and schist. |
i27 | Kalevian superhorizon (b). Sandstone, siltstone, quartzite, gravellite, schist with biotite, andalusite and rhythmic layers; conglomerate, trachydacite, trachyandesite. |
i28 | Late Jatulian-Ludikovian complex of dykes and sills. Gabbro-diabase, diabase, porphyritic diabase. |
i29 | Late Jatulian-Ludikovian rocks. Amphibole, biotite, mica, graphite schist; dolomite, limestone, marble, scarn, basalt, andesibasalt, dacite, tuff, amphibole. |
i30 | Ludikovian superhorizon. Lower part. Amphibole-chlorite, biotite, mica, sulfide-bearing schist, dolomite, porphyry basalt, tuff. |
i31 | Jatulian superhorizon. Upper part. Amphibole, mica, graphite schist; sandstone, dolomite, limestone, scarn, basalt, amphibole. |
i32 | Jatulian superhorizon. Middle part. Quartz sandstone, gravelstone, quartz conglomerate, basalt, tuff. |
k01 | Gajkol'sky peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro complex. Late phase. Gabbro. |
k02 | Gajkol'sky peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro complex. |
k03 | Wind Belt complex of gabbro-verlite. Verlite, lherzolite, ptroxenite, gabbro,gabbro-norite. |
k04 | Ludikovian complex of sills and dykes. Diabase, gabbro-diabase, augite porphyrite. |
k05 | Ludikovian superhorizon (?). Upper part. Basalt, picrobasalt, peridotitic and basaltic komatiite, tuff, tuffite. |
k06 | Ludikovian superhorizon. Lower part. Conglomerate, dolomite, siltstone, argillite, chert schist, basalt, tuff, tuffite. |
k07 | Kuolajarvi complex of peridotite and clinopyroxenite. Verlite, lherzolite, clinopyroxenite, serpentinite, gabbro. |
k08 | Jatulian complex of dykes and sills. Diabase, gabbro-diabase. |
k09 | Jatulian superhorizon. Upper part. Dolomite, siltstone, sandstone, arkose, carbonaceous schist, basalt, andesibasalt, andesite, dacite, tuffs, tuffites. |
k10 | Jatulian superhorizon. Middle part. Quartzite-sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate, basalt with magnetite, tuff, tuffite, tuffstone. |
k11 | Jatulian superhorizon. Lower part (a). Quartzite-sandstone, sandstone, arkose, siltstone, gravelstone, quartz conglomerate, basalt, tuff. |
k12 | Jatulian superhorizon. Lower part (b). Dolomite, mica schist, basalt, andesibasalt, tuff, tuff-breccia. |
k13 | Sariolian superhorizon. Conglomerate, breccia, gravellite, graywacke, tuff-breccia, tuffstone. |
k14 | Koigersko-Nuorunensky complex of monzonite and monzodiorite-granites. Granite, granite porphyry, granosyenite, quartz monzonite, monzodiorite. |
k15 | Olangsky complex peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbronorite. Olivinite, peridotite, pyroxenite, gabbronorite. |
k16 | Olangsky complex peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbronorite. Gabbronorite, troctolite, gabbro. |
k17 | Olangsky complex peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro-norite. Dioritic porphyrite. |
k18 | Olangsky complex peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro-norite. Granophyric granite. |
k20 | Sumian complex of dykes and sills. Diabase. |
k21 | Sumian complex of dykes and sills. Gabbro, gabbro-pyroxenite. |
k22 | Sumian complex of dykes and sills. Quartz porphyry. |
k23 | Sumian superhorizon. Conglomerate, gravellite, arkose, breccia, sandstone, quartzite, carbonate rock, basalt, andesite-basalt, quartz porphyry, tuff, tuff-breccias. |
l03 | Kichansky complex of pegmatitic granite. Pegmatoid leucogranite, pegmatite, granite. |
l16 | Early Karelian dyke complex. Porphyrite, garnet gabbro, gabbro-diabase. |
l18 | Topozero complex of granite-charnockite. Granite, granodiorite, charnockite. |
l21 | Yudomnavolok-Kuzemsky complex of lherzolite-gabbro-norite. Lherzolite, gabbronorite partly drusite, anorthosite. |
l22 | Sumian complex of peridotite-pyroxenite-drusite gabbro. Gabbro-norite, norite, drusite gabbro. |
l23 | Sumian complex of peridotite-pyroxenite-drusite gabbro. Peridotite, pyroxenite. |
o01 | Archaean complex of gneiss.Gneiss with amphibole and biotite, gneiss with biotite, gneiss with garnet and biotite, migmatite, granite-gneiss, gneiss-granite. |
o02 | Zapadno-Khizhjarvinsky complex of pyroxenite-syenite. Alkaline syenite with albite, quartz syenite, pyroxenite. |
o03 | Hautavara complex of monzonite-granite. Late phases. Subalkaline granite, granite porphyry, granosyenite. |
o04 | Hautavara complex of monzonite-granite. Early phases. Monzodiorite, monzonite, gabbro-monzonite. |
o05 | Kurgenlampinsky complex of diorite-granodiorite-porphyry. Granodiorite-porphyry, diorite, subalkaline diorite. |
o08 | Khizhozero complex of granodiorite-granite-leucogranite. Third phase. Leucogranite. |
o09 | Khizhozero complex of granodiorite-granite-leucogranite. Second phase. Granite. |
o10 | Khizhozero complex of granodiorite-granite-leucogranite. First phase. Granodiorite. |
o11 | Late Lopian complex of granodiorite-granite-leucogranite. Granite, leucogranites, granodiorites. |
o12 | Late Lopian complex of anatectite-granite. Granite, partly gneissose, leucogranite, aplite. |
o13 | Tungudsky complex of diorite-granodiorite-granite-porphyry. Third phase. Granite-porphyry, porphyritic granite. |
o14 | Tungudsky complex of diorites-granodiorites-granites-porphyry. Second phase. Porphyritic granodiorite, tonalite. |
o15 | Tungudsky complex of diorite-granodiorite-granite-porphyry. First phase. Diorite and quartz porphyritic diorites, gabbrodiorite, hornblendite. |
o16 | Lopian complex. Upper part. Cross-section type G. Andesibasalt, andesite, basalt, tuff, tuffite. |
o17 | Bergaulsky complex of tonalite-granodiorite. Granodiorite, trondhjemite and tonalite, plagioclase porphyry. |
o18 | Padansky complex of gabbro-monzodiorite-granodiorite. Third phase. Subalkaline granodiorite. |
o19 | Padansky complex of gabbro-monzodiorite-granodiorite. Second phase. Monzodiorte, monzonite, syenite. |
o20 | Padansky complex of gabbro-monzodiorite-granodiorite. First phase. Gabbro and gabbrodiorite, partly subalkaline, pyroxenite. |
o21 | Jalonvara complex of diorite-granite. Granite-porphyry, plagioclase porphyry, porphyritic granodiorite. |
o22 | Jalonvara complex of diorite-granite. Early phases. Granite-porphyry, plagioclase porphyry, porphyritic granodiorite. |
o23 | Late Lopian complex of migmatite-granite. Gneiss-granite, granite, migmatite. |
o24 | Late Lopian complex of diorite-plagiogranite. Late phases. Plagiogranite, tonalite. |
o25 | Late Lopian complex of diorite-plagiogranite. Early phases. Quartz diorite, diorite. |
o26 | Late Lopian complex of diorite-tonalite-plagiogranite. Plagiogranite, tonalite, quartz diorite, diorite. |
o27 | Late Lopian complex of gabbro. Gabbro, gabbro-amphibolite, amphibolite. |
o28 | Late Lopian association of tonalite-trondhjemite. Gneissose trondhjemite and tonalite. |
o29 | Late Lopian complex of ultramafite. Olivinite, peridotite, serpentinite. |
o30 | Novgozero complex of olivinite-dunite-harzburgite. Olivinite, dunite, harzburgite, serpentinite. |
o31 | Late Lopian complex of dykes and sills. Gabbro-amphibolite. Gabbro-diabase. |
o32 | Late Lopian complex of dykes and sills. Picrite, chlorite-actinolite schist. |
o33 | Lopian complex. Upper part. Cross-section type A. Amphibole schist with biotite, mica, partly garnet and kyanite, carbon, chert; phyllite, sandstone, arkose, graywacke, quartzite, carbonate rock, komatiite, basalts, andesite, rhyodacite, tuff, amphiboli |
o34 | Lopian complex. Upper part. Cross-section type B. Komatiit, basalt, dacite, rhyodacite, tuff, carbon schist, quartzite with Mgt. |
o35 | Lopian complex. Upper part. Cross-section type B. Gneiss and amphibole, biotite, mica schist, partly with garnet and cordierite; graywacke, conglomerate, gravelstone, sandstone, Fe -quartzite, andesite, dacite, riolite, leptite. |
o36 | Ostersky complex of diorite-granite-porphyry. Granite porphyry, porphyritic gabbro. |
o37 | Late Lopian complex of leucogabbro. Leucogabbro and porphyritic gabbro. |
o38 | Shilossko-Saiozero complex of gabbro-diorite-plagiogranite. Late subcomplex. Second phase. Plagiogranite and porphyritic tonalite. |
o39 | Shilossko-Saiozero complex of gabbro-diorite-plagiogranite. Late subcomplex. First phase. Quartz porphyritic diorite. |
o40 | Shilossko-Saiozero complex of gabbro-diorite-plagiogranite. Early subcomplex. Gabbroid, gabbro, diorite and quartz porphyritic diorite. |
o41 | Taigenitsky complex of gabbro-diabases-leucogabbro. Gabbro-diabase, partly gabbro with Ti-Mgt. |
o42 | Early Lopian association of tonalite-trondhjemite. Trondhjemite and gneissose tonalite. |
o43 | Khjursjulsky complex of peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro. Late phases. Gabbro, pyroxenite. |
o44 | Khjursjulsky complex of peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro. Early phases. Peridotite, olivinite, serpentinite. |
o45 | Kamennoozersky complex of ultramafite-gabbro. Olivinite, dunite, peridotite, pyroxenite, gabbro. |
o46 | Listjegubsky complex of olivinite--harzburgite. Olivinite, harzburgite, serpentinite, talc-chlorite schist. |
o47 | Early Lopian complex of dykes and sills. Gabbro-diabase. |
o48 | Lopian complex. Lower zone. Cross-section type A. Amphibole, biotite, mica schist, partly with garnet, carbon and chert; conglomerate, Fe -quartzite, komatiite, basalt, andesite, dacite, rhyodacite, tuff, tuffite. |
o49 | Lopian complex. Lower zone. Cross-section type B. Amphibole, biotite, mica, carbon, chert schist; sandstone, Fe quartzite, komatiite, basalt, rhyodacite, rhyolite, tuff, tuffite. |
o50 | Pjaozero complex of diorite-tonalite, tonalite. Tonalite, quartz diorite, gneissose diorite. |
o51 | Vodlozero complex of diorite-tonalite, tonalite. Trondhjemite, tonalite, quartz gneissose diorite, gneiss, crystal schist. |
p01 | Archaean metamorphic complex. Amphibolite, amphibole gneiss. |
p02 | Archaean metamorphic complex. Biotite gneiss, amphibole-biotite gneiss. |
p03 | Poduzhemsky complex of subalkaline granite. Subalkaline granite with Mgt, granosyenite, subalkaline granodiorite. |
p06 | Late Lopian complex of anatectite-granite. Granite, partly gneissose, leucogranite, aplite. |
p07 | Pongomsky complex of enderbites-granite. Granite, granodiorite, plagiogranite, partly hyperstene-bearing. |
p08 | Pongomsky complex of enderbite-granite. Enderbite. |
p09 | Late Lopian complex of migmatite-granite. Gneiss-granite, granite, shadow migmatite. |
p10 | Bojarsky complex of labrodorite-drusitic gabbro-norite. Gabbro-norites, verlite, lherzolite, labradorite with garnet and amphibole. |
p11 | Lopian association of tonalite-trondhjemite. Trondhjemite and gneissose tonalite. |
p12 | Late Lopian complex of ultramafite. Olivinite, harzburgite, pyroxenite, serpentinite. |
p16 | Belomorian metamorphic complex. Garnet-biotite and mica paragneiss with sillimanite and kyanite. |
p17 | Belomorian metamorphic complex. Amphibolite, amphibole gneiss. |
p18 | Belomorian metamorphic complex. Amphibole and biotite-amphibole gneiss, amphibolite. |
p19 | Belomorian metamorphic complex. Biotite and amphibole-biotite ortho- and paragneiss, trondhjemite, gneissose tonalite. |
x11 | Gidrological objects |