Kuril islands
The Kuril islands are a string of islands between Kamchatka and the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Every island in the Kurilles consists of one or more volcanoes, many of them active. This would ensure quite interesting mineralogy, but little is known about it. This is mainly because the Kuril islands are very remote.
Locared at Paramushir Island
Kudriavvy volcano
The Most famous locality of the Kuril Islands, because of Rheniite.Kudriavvy is located on Iturup island. Rheniite is a fumarolic rhenium mineral, that once occurs in a fumarol of this volcano. But since this fumarol got hotter all Rheniite is gone. The Rheniite has caused some more detailed study of Kudriavvy's mineralogy. Quite a list, mainly thanks to Anton Yakushev.
Aluminite Alunite Andradite Anglesite Anhydrite Babingtonite Barite Bismoclite
Bismuthinite Butlerite Cadmoindite Celestine Challacolloite Corund Cosalite
Cristobalite Galena Goldichite Graphite Greenockite Guanajuatite Gypsum Halite
Hematite Ikunolite Ilsemannite Kurilite Lillianite Magnetite Molybdenite
Molybdite Monteponite Plattnerite Powellite Pyrite Rheniite Roquesite Rutile
Scheelite Silicium Sulphur Sylvite Titanium Tridymite Tugarinovite Tungstenite
Wollastonite Wurzite
Located on Kunashir island. The volcano has fumarolic activity as well as some
hot springs. The volcano itself consists of andesite, andestie basalt and
younger olivine bearing
dacites. The fumarolic activity is located mostly on the northeastern flank of
the volcano. A second source of mineralogy form several hotsprings discharging
higher up the same flank. Temperatures here vary from 20°C in some springs to
90°C in others. The string of hotsprings continues to the coast at a site named
Goriachiy Pliazh.
Alunite Antimonite Chalcocite Cinnabar Copper Covellite Cristobalite Gold
Marcasite Metacinnabar Opal Orpiment Pyrite Quartz Realgar Rutile Smithsonite
Sphalerite Sulphur
Ore Deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977 Vol II pp338
H.U. Barnes, Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore deposits, 2nd Edition, 1979, John
Wiley & Sons Inc., pp755
Located at Kunashir Island
Gold Goldfieldite Hessite Kurilite* Petzite