A crude 7mm magnetite crystal in the sulphidic ore of the Nikel-Pechenga
field, Kola
A crude octahedral magnetite from Magnitogorsk, Yuzhnye Ural
A 5mm octahedral Magnetite crystal from the Shishimsk mine, Yuzhnyi Ural.
A sharp magnetite crystal on matrix from Syssert, Ural.
Magnetite in white dolomite from the Zheleznyi quarry in Kovdor.
Magnetite from Vuorijarvi, like this one looks similar to Kovdor material.
I wonder why they call it a 'banded iron ore formation'? Magnetite from
Olenegorsk, Kola
Another famous banded iron ore formation is the KMA. Kurst Magnetic Anomaly.
This magnetite ore comes from
the Lebedinsk mine, near Gubkin.
Dissiminated magnetite in boron skarn from Solongo, Transbaikal
In the skarn of Korshunovskoye, Pribaikal, occur spherical magnetites. The lower
picture shows the concentric inner structure
Magnetite from Afrikanda. You need a magnet to find it, because it occurs
together with the almost
identical looking Perovskite.
Magnetite from the Tazheran massif, Pribaikal.
[all photos/collection: Maurice de Graaf]