
Nice Pyrite crystals, showing dodecahedron faces on Albite from the Elpiditovoye pegmatite Alluaiv, Kola.  
[photo/collection: Maurice de Graaf]

Pyrite on nodular siderite from the Kurst Magnetic Anomaly
[photo/collection: Viktor Slyotov]

Globular Pyrite. The accompagnying label says 'Moscow' as locality, but it is probably some quarry near Moscow. Any help is welcome.
[photo/collection: Maurice de Graaf]

Massive Pyrite ore from the Urup mine, Kavkaz
[photo/collection: Maurice de Graaf]

Rounded Pyrite grains in chlorite schist from Indysh river, Kavkaz
[photo/collection: Maurice de Graaf]