Severnyi Ural
The Severnyi Ural is the Northern Ural. The area between Nizhne Tagil and the Pripolar Ural. Politically this area is part of the Permskaya oblast in the west and the Sverdlovskaya oblast in the east.
A chromium deposit near Laki in the Permskaya oblast. It consists of ultrabasic rocks and is very similar to the better known Saranovskoye mine. In fact Biserskoye is located only 12 kilometers south of Saranovskoye. In the 19th century this mine was much better known than Saranovskoye. In fact it is the type locality Shuiskite is Biserskoye and not Saranovskoye! Clinochlore occurs here in the variety Kämmererite. In the 19th century the mine was known as Biserkii Zavod.
Calcite Chromite Clinochlore Shuiskite Titanite Uwarowite
Krasnoturinsk is a name of a town in the so called Auerbach-Turin ore field. In
this ore field are numerous iron and copper skarns located. The country rock
consists of different kinds of volcanic-sedimentary rocks with limestone lenses
of the Tagil-Magnitogorsk greenstone belt. The sediments are Upper Silurian to
lower Devonian and have a total thickness of over 3000 meters. These sediments
where intruded by the Central Auerbach intrusion and several satellites. The
Auerbach intrusion consists mainly of granodiorite. At the northwest side of the
intrusion formed about 15 copper rich skarn ore bodies. The largest are Frolovskoye,
Nikitin, Novofrolovskoye, Nikolo-Podgora, Bashmakovskoye,
Bogoslovskoye and Vadimo-Aleksander
deposits. (See below for more about Novofrolovskoye)
In the southwest of the intrusion lay iron rich skarns.
(combined mineralogy for all Krasnoturinsk copper mines)
Andradite Anhydrite Anthophyllite Antimonite Antimony Aragonite Arsenic Azurite
Barite Bournonite Brochantite Calciborite Calcite Chalcanthite Chalcocite
Chalcopyrite Clinokurchatovite Cobaltite Copper Cubanite Cuprite Datolite
Dolomite Ekaterinite Enargite Epidote Erythrite Famatinite Fluorapophyllite
Formicaite Frolovite Galena Gersdorffite Grossular Halotrichite Hematite
Hemimorphite Ilvaite Jamesite Korzhinskite Kurchatovite Lead Linnaeite
Lollingite Magnetite Melanterite Molybdenite Nickel-skutterudite Nifontovite
Pentahydroborite Polydymite Prehnite Pumpellyite-Fe2+ Pyrite Pyrrhotite
Sibirskite Siegenite Skutterudite Sphalerite Szaibelyite Tennantite Tenorite
Tetradymite Tetrahedrite Tremolite Uralborite Valleriite Vimsite Vivianite
Wollastonite Zoisite
Geology of Mineral Deposits, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, p167-168
Kytlym massif
The Kytlym massif is a dunite intrusion, located about 400km north of Nizhne
Tagil. The massif consists of five large blocks, named Kosva, Konzhankov,
Sukhogorsk, Serebryansk and Valentorsk. The Valentorsk and Sukhogorsk blocks
consist mainly of Gabbronorite and Clinopyroxenite. The Srebryansk block
consists of Gabbro and magmatic breccia. The Konzhakov and Kosva blocks consist
of Dunite, Clinopyroxenite and Gabbro.
Chromite Cuproiridsite Cuprorhodsite Erlichmanite Isoferroplatinum Osmium
Platinum Tetraferroplatin Tulameenite
Pt Alloys from Chromitites of Uralian-Alaskan complexes, Russia, by G.Garuti et al, Canadian Mineralogist Vol 40 pp.357-376
Marsyat is a paleogene sedimentary manganese deposit on the eastern slope of
the Severnyi Ural.
Novofrolovskoye mine
A skarn deposit near the town of Krasnoturinsk. This hercynian skarn is located in the proterozoic Tagil-Magnitogorsk greenstone belt. See Krasnoturinsk, above, for a more detailed description of the geology.
Andradite Anhydrite Calciborite Calcite Clinokurchatovite Dolomite Ekaterinite
Formicaite Frolovite Grossular Korzhinskite Kurchatovite Magnetite Nifontovite
Pentahydroborite Sibirskite Tetradymite Uralborite Vimsite Vitimite
Peschansk is a magnetite-calc skarn, about 10km south of Krasnoturinsk. The
skarn is formed by an intrusion of diorite in limestone. The diorite is the
Peschansk diorite massif, which is part of the larger Auerbakh intrusive
complex. The limestone is devonian sediment and it is covered with vulcanogenic
sediments. Of course the limestone altered to marble and the volcanosediments to
hornblende porphyrites.
Chalcopyrite, Magnetite
Polunochnoe is a Paleogene sedimentary manganese deposit on the eastern slopes
of the Severnyi Ural.
Saranovskoye is a Caledonian ultrabasic intrusion consisting of gabbro and
gabbronorite in precambrean schist and quartzite. There are three major chromite
orebodies and several smaller ones as well as diabase dikes. Mineralogically the
chromite ore contains pockets of calcite and chromium minerals as well as some
PGM minerals. The well known chrom titanites come from the diabase dikes .
Albite Amesite Anatase Andradite Ankerite Antigorite Aragonite Atheneite Azurite
Barite Bornite Borovskite Braggite Brookite Brucite Calcite Chalcocite
Chalcopyrite Chromite Chrysocolla Clinochlore Clinozoisite Covellite Crocoite
Cubanite Diaspore Dolomite Epidote Erlichmanite Fluoroapatite Galena Goethite
Grossular Gypsum Halotrichite Hematite Hydrocerussite Hydromagnesite Ilmenite
Jarosite Kaolinite Kassite Laurite Linnaeite Lithargite Lizardite Maghemite
Magnesite Magnetite Malachite Marcasite Massicotite Millerite Montmorillonite
Morenosite Muscovite Nepouite Nontronite Opal Osmium Palygorskite Paragonite
Pentlandite Perowskite Phlogopite Polydymite Pumpellyite-Mg Pyrite Pyrolusite
Pyrrhotite Quartz Rancieite Redledgeite Rutile Saponite Shuiskite Siderite
Siegenite Sperrylite Sphalerite Stichtite Stillwaterite Stilpnomelane
Szaibelyite Talc Titanite Todorokite Tremolite Uwarowite Valleriite Vanadinite
Violarite Zoisite
I would like a confirmation on Crocoite. I had it as 'doubtfull' in my database, but Burlakov mentions galena, with which it would make sense afterall.
Ore Deposits of the USSR, 1977, V.I. Smirnov, pp225-233
Die Chromitlagerstätte Sarany im Ural, E.V. Burlakov and A.V. Adonin, Lapis
10/2006, pp53-60
Erzlagerstätten, Hans Schneiderhorn, 4th edition, 1962, p60
Serovsk is a nickel-silicate deposit. This deposit was formed by weathering of
serpentine rocks
Goethite Nontronite
Kruggly Rudnik
Solikamsk is surprisingly little known in the west. It is located on the
western outskirts of the Ural north of Perm. "Solikamsk" actually
means "salt of the Kama". No surprise the town was established as salt
mining town in 1430. It was even briefly the capital of the Ural. The town's
heraldy refects a well where the salt brine is winched up. The salt is currently
mainly of interest for high magnesium content. The Solikamsk
Magnesium Works produce the metal here. Other metals present in the brine
are ceasium and rubidium. So far I found only the Verkhnekamskoye mine,
but there are definitely more works. Nearby villages also have saltmines, such
as Berezniki, Zarazina and Kruggly Rudnik.
Geologically the salt is of early permian age.
Carnallite Halite Pyrite Sylvite
Voronovskoye mine
Aktashite Alabandite Antimonite Chalcostibite Cinnabar Clerite Gold Greigite
Orpiment Pyrite Realgar Routhierite Sphalerite Zinckenite