Pribaikal is the area just west of Lake Baikal. The largest city in this area is Irkutsk.
Located close to Slyudyanka it is a source of iridiscent gemmy albite
The diopside here is the purple violane.
Diopside Foshagite
Korshunovskoye is a skarn deposit close to Zhelenogorsk (About 250km east of
Bratsk). Korshunovskoye is part of the Angara-Ilim iron ore region. The deposit
sits in sediments of Upper Cambrian and Ordovician age. These sedimentary rocks
are cut by explosion pipes consisting of gabbrodolerites, dolerites and dolerite
porphyrites. These pipes altered the sediments at the contact zone, especially
where the sediment consisted of limestone or marble, resulting in an ore bearing
Actinolite Aragonite Calcite Clinochlore Dashkovaite Diopside Dypingite
Ekaterinite Epidote Giorgiosite Halite Hematite Hydromagnesite Iowaite
Korshunovskite Kurgantaite Magnetite Montmorillonite Nepskoite Orthoclase Phlogopite Quartz
Shabynite Szaibelyite Talc Thaumasite
Korshunovskite |
Magnetite |
Shabynite |
Ore Deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol I, pp 71-72.
Malobystrynskoye is a marble quarry south of Irkutsk and about 30km west of Slud'yanka. The quarry is mostly famous for it's lazurite, but the systematic collectors will also know it as type locality for Tounkite and Bystrite.
Afghanite Bystrite Calcite Diopside Fluoroapatite Hauyne Lazurite Phlogopite
Sodalite Sulphur Tounkite Vesuvianite
Slyudyanka is a town on the southcoast of lake Baikal. Today it is well known
for it's white marble, but as the name already reveals it was known for mica
before. From the late 17th century until the mid 20th century phologopite was
mined here. Geologically Slyudyanka consists of precambrean metamorphic rocks,
later metasomatically altered by granite intrusions. In each of the stages
interesting mineralogy was formed. Marble with spinel and Lavrovite,
metasomatites with skarn like minerals such as skapolite and phlogopite and
pegmatites with chromphyllite
1 Kop
2 Kop
3 Kop
Burovshchina quarry
Jakunina mine
Kartagaiskaya mine
Komarskoye quarry
Pereval quarry
Phlogopite mine
Pilipenko mine
Vernadskogo mine
Zilberminca mine
Some sources even include the lazurite localities of Malobystrynskoye and Tultui
river also to Slyudyanka. On the mineral market most specimen from these
different localities are just labeled 'Slyudyanka'. A little more research is
Chromdravite Chromite Chromphyllite Diopside Eskolaite Florensovite
Fluoroapatite Hauyne Hyalophane Kalininite Karelianite Magnesiocoulsonite
Mejonite Natalyite Phlogopite Sodalite Spinel Titanite
The following minerals are specifically mentioned with the Pereval quarry:
Barite Calcite Chalcopyrite Diopside Eskolaite Florensovite Franklinite
Goldmanite Ilmenite Kalininite Karelianite Magnesiochromite Magnesiocoulsonite
Natalyite Pyrite Quartz Tremolite Uwarowite Vanadiumdravite Zincochromite
Calcite |
Chromphyllite |
Diopside (Baikalite) |
Diopside (Lavrovite) |
Fluorapatite |
Phlogopite |
Spinel |
The Tazheran massif is located at the western shore of Lake Baikal about half
way up the lake. It is an alkaline intrusion with magnesium skarns.
Azoproite Baddeleyite Calcite Calzirtite Clinohumite Djerfisherite Dolomite
Forsterite Galenobismuthite Geikielite Hercynite Kirschsteinite Ludwigite
Magnetite Melilite Merwinite Microcline Oligoclase Perowskite Pyrrhotite Rutile
Spinel Tazheranite Zircon
Amazonite |
Azoproite |
Magnetite |
Tazheranite |
Tultui is a mineral deposit at the watershed between the Tultui river and the Malaya Bystraya river, just west of Sludyanka. It is the second locality for Tounkite after Malobystrynskoye.
Tulunsky coal mine