"Fe" in Kovdor's heraldy
Kovdor is after the Khibiny and lovozero massif the best known
Kola locality. It is most famous for perfect magnetite octahedrons in white
dolomite. Also very common are tetraferriphlogopite, and the
collinsite-bobierrite-kovdorskite paragense.
Kovdor is just a mining town in the west of Kola. The actual localities are
formed by two open pit mines, the Zheleznyi mine, or Iron mine and the Slyuda
mine, or Mica mine,
Kovdor is a so called alkaline-ultrabasic intrusion. The largest part of the
intrusion consists of pyroxenite and olivinite rocks. The Zheleznyi mine works a
part of the intrusion with mainly carbonatites. The Slyuda mine works a
different area with mainly phlogopite-diopside olivine rock. The complicated
Kovdor intrusion also houses turjaite, melilite bearing rocks and fenites.
Kovdor is situated in the Kandalaksha graben, an ancient rift structure that
runs from Arkhangelsk to the Finnish Sökli deposit.
The mineralogy of Kovdor is devided into three parts. One for each mine and
a third 'Kovdor' section. Minerals of which I did not have the time to sort out
in which Kovdor mine they occur.
Zheleznyi mine:
Ankangite Bakhchisaraitsevite Bobierrite Carbonate Fluorapatite Catiite
Collinsite Crandallite Dolomite Fluoroapatite Girvasite Gladiusite Glagolevite
Hydrotalkite Juonniite Karchevskyite Korobitsynite Kovdorskite Krasnovite
Labuntsovite-Fe Labuntsovite-Mg Lemmleinite-Ba Magnetite Manasseite Nastrophite
Norsethite Pyrite Rimkorolgite Strontiowhitlockite Zircon
Slyuda mine:
Andradite Aqualite Brucite Cafetite Calcite Cancrinite Diopside Eudialyte
Feklichevite Fluoroapatite Forsterite Glagolevite Golyshevite Juanite Lueshite
Magnetite Manasseite Mogovidite Monticellite Nabalamprophyllite Nastrophite
Natrolite Nepheline Pectolite Phlogopite Phosphoinnelite
Potassic-Fluororichterite Scolecite Sjogrenite Tetra-Ferri-Phlogopite
Thomsonite-Ca Vesuvianite
Akermanite Anatase Andradite Ankerite Aqualite Baddeleyite Bonshtedtite
Calzirtite Catapleiite Clinochrysotile Clinohumite Diopside Djerfisherite
Eudialyte Goyazite Henrymeyerite Labuntsovite-Mn Magnesiokatophorite
Magnesiokatophorite Melilite Pakhomovskyite Quintinite Richterite Schorlomite
Stevensite Tin Vermiculite