
Yuzhnye Ural
Southern Ural


The Yuzhnye Ural or the Southern Ural is roughly the area south of Ekatarinburg. Typically the Ilmeny Gory are attributed to the Yuzhnye Ural. The border between the Srednye or Middle Ural and the Yuzhnye Ural seems not that rigid. The Ilmeny Gory are now part of the Ilmeny Zapovednik (national park) 

Another important part of the Yuzhnye Ural is called 'Bashkiria' . On the map it is roughly the area between Ufa and Magnitogorsk. Geologically it is known as Bashkir Meganticline.

13 Kop
13 pit

Located in the Ilmeny Gory

Actinolite Edenite Fergusonite-(beta)-(Ce) Fluoroapatite Monazite-(Ce) Phlogopite Quartz Rutile Titanite Zircon

17 Kop
17 pit

A pegmatite located in the Ilmeny Gory


50 Kop
50 pit

See Blyumovskaya mine

50 Years of October deposit

The 50 Years of October deposit is located on the eastern limb of the Magnitogorsk megasynclinorium. The country rock consists of middle devonian volcanogenic rocks of the Mugodzhary and Milyasha groups. These are cut by subvolcanic rhyolite-dacite dikes and by granitoids of the Sredneorsk massif.. The ore deposit is located at the eastern side of the Sredneorsk intrusion at the contact with the Mugodzhary group, consisting of amphibolized basaltoids. Obviously a whole range of metasomatic rocks was formed in the contact aureole. One such rock is a anthophyllite-biotite-cordierite hornfels.

Andalusite Anthophyllite Arsenopyrite Biotite Chalcopyrite Cobaltite Cordierite Cubanite Galena Linnaeite Magnetite Molybdenite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Sphalerite Spinel. 

 Ore Deposits of Russia, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol II, pp158-161

59 Kop
59 pit

Located in the Ilmeny Gory the 59 mine works an amazonite pegmatite

Mineral name Ilmenorutile Microcline Phenakite Topaz

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

69 Kop
69 pit

The 69 mine works an Amazonite pegmatite in the Ilmeny Gory

Chiolite Cryolithionite Fluorite Gearksutite Microcline Pachnolite Prosopite Ralstonite Thomsenolite

75 Kop
75 pit

The 75 mine works an alkaline intrusion (nepheline syenites) near Miask in the Ilmeny Gory

Aeschynite-(Ce) Magnetite Nepheline Pyrochlore Zircon

76 Kop
76 pit

The 76 mine works an alkaline nepheline syenite intrusion. Possibly the same intrusion as the nearby 75 mine.

Aeschynite-(Ce) Magnetite Nepheline Pyrochlore Zircon

97 Kop
97 pit

97 mine in the Ilmeny Gory. According to Pekov the geology is apo-ultrabasite-alkaline metasomatites.

Chromite Davidite-(Ce) Fluororichterite Magnetite Monazite-(Ce) Polyakovite-(Ce)


115 Kop
115 pit

Located in the Ilmeny Gory and part of the Ilmeny zapovednik (national park)

Quartz Vishnevite

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232 Kop
232 Pit

Located at the southern coast of Ozero Bolshoi Tatkul. in the Ilmeny Gory. It is a granite intrusion

Braunite Carbonate Fluorapatite Mitridatite Quartz Triplite Ushkovite

242 Kop
242 Pit

Only Schorl is known by me from this locality.

405 Kop
405 Pit

Located in the Ilmeny Gory. 405 Kop is probably an alkaline intrusion or a carbonatite

Arfvedsonite Pyrochlore


Akhmatovsk mine

The Akhmatovskaya pit is located in the Nazhyamsk Mountains, near Zlatoust. It was operated since 1820 as an iron mine with magnetite as main ore. It is the type locality for perovskite, which was discovered here in 1839. Akhmatovsk it a typical skarn with hessonite and vesuvianite.

Calcite Clinochlore Clintonite Diopside Epidote Grossular Ludwigite Perowskite Spinel Vesuvianite

clintonite.jpg (24319 bytes) hessonite-akhmat.jpg (119076 bytes)
    Clintonite           'Hessonite'

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35


Pyrolusite, Stichtite

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Baritovyi kop

The Baritovy mine is located near Medvedevka village. The deposit was discovered in 1826 by Akhmatov.


The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Bashartskii mine

Located about 100km west of Magnitogorsk.

Aragonite Brucite Uwarowite

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35


Bikkulovskoye is a lesser known metamorphic manganese deposit in the Yuzhnyi Ural.

Piemontite Pumpellyite-Mn Shirozulite

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   Piemontite       Pumpellyite-Mn   Shirozulite?         unknown


Bljava is located in the Uraltau uplift. Before the Uralian orogeny Bljava was a black smoker, an underwater volcanic vent in the pre-Ural Oceanic rift system.

Aluminite Anglesite Antlerite Atacamite Bassanite Chalcosiderite Chlorargyrite Copiapite Covellite Cuprite Delvauxite Diadochite Fibroferrite Goslarite Gypsum Halotrichite Hotsonite Jarosite Jarosite Kafehydrocyanite Langite Liroconite Melanterite Meta-aluminite Natroalunite Pickeringite Posnjakite Pseudomalachite Romerite Rozenite Scorodite Slavikite Sulphur Szomolnokite

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35
Zarenschatze, Kolesar and Tvrdy, 2006, pp216

Blyumovskaya mine
50 Pit

The Blyumovskaya mine is also known as 50 Kop or 50 mine in the Ilmeny Gory. Blyumovskoye works an Amazonite pegmatite.

Beryl Biotite Ferrocolumbite Ilmenorutile Magnetite Microcline Muscovite Quartz Samarskite-(Y) Topaz

Borisovskie Sopki

The Borisovskie Sopki are better known as Borisovski heights, a well known Kyanite locality.


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Borzovka is a corund locality located northwest of Kyshtym.


The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Buldym lake

Buldym lake is a specific locality within Vishnevogorsk. It is a syenite pegmatite.

Allanite-(Ce) Biotite Fersmite Fluoroapatite Fluororichterite Magnetite Microcline Muscovite Pyrite Pyrochlore Quartz Titanite Xenotime-(Y) Zircon


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Cheremshansk is a nickel mine not far from Verkhnyi Ufalei. The locality should not be confused with Cheremshansk Quartzite quarry near Irkutsk.

This deposit is situated on the contact of serpentinites and marble with slates. Ultrabasic rocks intruded between the lower marble layer and the upper slate layer. These ultra basic rocks are known as the Cheremshan massif and today consists mainly of antigorite and chrysotile serpentinites. Today Cheremshansk is a nickel deposit. The nickel originates from the ultrabasic magma. But because of weathering and hydrothermal alteration, the nickel is mostly found in silicates and carbonates. The deposit type is known as contact-karst type. Here in Cheremshansk the richest nickel ore are the so called ocherous-silicate formation, which consists of ferrihalloysite and Asbolane.


Actinolite Antigorite Asbolane Clinochrysotile Garnierite Halloysite-10A Pecoraite Pimelite Talc

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Asbolane / Halloysite

Ore deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol II, pp 67-70

Chernaya Rechka

Chernaya Rechka is a fennite close to Miass. It has a strange sulfate paragenese.

Copiapite Epsomite Fluorite Gypsum Jarosite Melanterite Pickeringite Pyrite Svyazhinite

Eremeevskaya mine

The Eremeevskaya mine is located northwest of Zlatoust in the Nyazhamsk mountains

Clinochlore Diopside Perowskite Titanite

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Faisullino quarry

The Faisulino quarry  works a manganese deposit in the Yarlykapovo cherts of the Bashkir meganticline. It is very similar to the Urazovo deposit.

Gaya deposit

The Gaya deposit is located in the western limb of the Magnitogorsk Megasynclinorium, just as the Sibay deposit. Gaya is a (sub)volcanic deposit consisting of tuffs of the Ulutau group (devonian). There are several andesite, dacite and rhyolite layers, all cut by numerous diabase and plagioclase porphyrite dikes and sills. 

Albite Arsenopyrite Atacamite Barite Bornite Chalcanthite Chalcopyrite Coloradoite Connellite Copper Cuprite Delafossite Epidote Galena Gold Marcasite Nantokite Paratacamite Prehnite Pumpellyite-Fe2+ Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Silver Sphalerite
(Apart from the listed minerals 'silver tellurides' are also mentioned)

Ore Deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol II, pp 151-157


Also known as Gumbeika this locality can be found about 35km east of Magnitogorsk

Scheelite Strontianite

scheelite-gumbeiskoye.jpg (456867 bytes)

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Ilmeny Gory

The Ilmeny Gory is a mountain range in the southern Ural dotted with many mines of different types. In the near future I will add a more detailed page about Ilmeny.




Irkuskan quarry
(Bakal, Bakalskoye)

Irkuskan quarry is located close to the town of Bakal. This is why the locality is also known as Bakalskoye. Both Bakalskoye and Irkuskan are however one and the same locality.

The Irkuskan quarry is a sedimentary iron deposit in the Bashkir meganticline. It is located in sediments of the Bakal formation of the lower Riphean or Burzyanian era of the proterozoicum. In other words the deposit is part of the East European craton and substantially older than the Ural mountains.

Albite Ankerite Aragonite Azurite Barite Chalcopyrite Dolomite Fluoroapatite Galena Goethite Hematite Magnesite Magnetite Opal Pyrite Pyrolusite Siderite Sphalerite Vivianite

dolomite-bakal.jpg (28121 bytes)

Ore deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol I, pp 76-79
The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Irtyas Ozero

Clinochlore Diopside Perowskite Titanite


A river located near Koshkar. It is a placer deposit for Topaz.

Russische Topase und Berylle, Helmuth Leithner, Lapis september 1981, pp9-14


Kamenno-Pavlovskaya was a gold deposit in the Southern Ural. In the spring of 1852 the merchant Bakakin found a gemmy topaz in this deposit, starting the prospecting for gemstones in this part of the world.

Beryl Chrysoberyl Corund Cyanite Elbaite Euclase Quartz Spinel Staurolite

Russische Topase und Berylle, Helmuth Leithner, Lapis september 1981, pp9-14

Karagay quarry

The karagay quarry is a magnesite quarry in the Bahskir meganticline. This quarry has similar geology to the Satka deposit.


Karagaz Tau

Karagaz Tau is a jasper locality in Bashkiria


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Kempirsai is a dunite occurence with chromium and PGM ores.

Chromite Bracewellite Brucite Laurite Opal

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35
Erzlagerstätten, Hans Schneiderhorn, 4th edition, 1962, p60

Khalilovskoye deposit

Khalilovskoye, or Khalilovo is located northwest of Orsk. It is a weathered serpentinite deposit, where the main ore is Magnesite. 

Chromite Magnesite Opal Pentlandite

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35
Erzlagerstätten, Hans Schneiderhorn, 4th edition, 1962, p60
Geology of ore deposits, V.I. Smirnov, 1976, p371

Kiryabinsky copper mine

The Kiryabinsky copper mine is located  on the west bank of the Ural river south of the Ilmeny gory. This old mine was  in operation from 1764 until 1827.

Albite Calcite Fluoroapatite 

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35


A hydrothermal gold vein deposit related to the Hercynian Plastovsk plagiogranite massif. The local dyke rock is called 'tabashky', a blastic rock containing biotite, amphibole, feldspar, epidote, quartz and carbonates. The ore occurs in quartz-arsenopyrite-gold type veins. These veins do not have their origin in the Plastovsk massif, but are generated by an upper Paleozoic microcline granite, located further west. This microcline granite intrusion altered the dikes in the first intrusion and deposted minerals in the space that became available.

Aikinite Aleksite Antimonite Arsenopyrite Bismuth Bismuthinite Bismutite Boulangerite Bournonite Bursaite Chalcopyrite Chrysoberyl Cobaltite Elbaite Emplectite Euclase Fluoroapatite Galena Gold Jamesonite Joseite-A Kochkarite Magnetite Molybdenite Pilsenite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Rucklidgeite Saddlebackite Scheelite Sphalerite Tennantite Tetradymite Tetrahedrite Wittite
(Smirnov states that there are 72 minerals known from here in 1976, so I'm missing about half of them)

The geochemistry of gold and it's deposits, geological survey of Canada, bulletin 280, 1979, p 105
The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35
Geology of Ore Deposits, V.I. Smirnov, 1976, p310-313


Kozhaevskoye is a rhodonite locality in Bashkiria

Bannisterite Coombsite Manganaxinite Pyrophanite Rhodochrosite Rhodonite Spessartine

Kriolitovaya kop

The Kriolitovaya mine is located in the Ilmeny Gory. It is an Amazonite pegmatite

Cryolite , Microcline ("Amazonite")

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35


Kuibas is a satellite ore body of Magnitogorsk. It has probably similar geology.


The Kumak orefield is located in the Kayraktinsky serpentinite massif, along the right bank of the Kumak river. Kumak consists of amphibolized rocks. Although it is a gold deposit it is mineralogically known for its rare suite of native metals.

Aluminium Antimonite Brass Chromferide Chromium Copper Cuprostibite Ferchromide Gold Iron Lead Stistaite Tin Zinc

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Kurochkin Log

Kurochkin Log is an alkaline intrusion within the Vishnevogorsk.

Cancrinite Nepheline

cancrinite-kuro.jpg (18746 bytes)

Kusimovskoye deposit

A manganese deposit close to Magnitogorsk. Betekhtin discovered Vernadite in this mine in 1937.

 Bustamite Rhodonite Vernadite Winchite 


Kusinsk is an iron deposit of the titano-magnetite type about 23km north of Zlatoust. Kusinsk deposit is located in a gabbro-amphibolite intrusion of the same name. The country rocks are Proterozoic dolomites, schists and quartizes. Ajacent to the Gabbro-Amphibolite intrusion lays a younger Granite intrusion. The gabbro intrusion was metamorphically altered. 

Biotite Chalcopyrite Corund Elbaite Hematite Hogbomite Ilmenite Kaliumpargasite Magnetite Manasseite Phlogopite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Quartz Rutile Spinel Titanite

 Ore Deposits of Russia, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol I, pp33-34

(Gora Magnitnaya)

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A stylised black magnetic mountain
and miner's hammers

Magnitogorsk ('Magnetic Mountain') is a large town in the Yuzhnye Ural know for it's steel industry.  Cause of this all is a large iron ore deposit. It is an iron skarn  in the Tagil-Magnitogorsk greenstone belt. A complex granitoid intrusion cuts through a Lower Carboniferous sedementary-effusive series, consisting of limestones and tuffs.The intrusion went in several stages, first porphyrites, then diorites, microgranites and finally quartz diorites. During these intrusions dikes where also formed. But the dikes formed after the main intrusive event caused the formation of garnet-pyroxene skarns and magnetite ores. The Magnitogorsk deposit is divided into an eastern and western secton by post mineralization dikes.

Magnitogorsk consists of six lens shaped orebodies. For many years I kept hearing that Magnitogorsk was not interesting for collectors, because only massive ores where found there. The Calcite below indicates there certainly where pockets of crystal growth!

Calcite Chalcopyrite Diopside Epidote Fluoroapatite 'Garnet' Magnetite Pyrite Pyrrhotite

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     Calcite             Magnetite

Melnikov mine

The Melnikov mine is located in the Chuvashkaya mountains northwest of Zlatoust. The best Perowskite crystals where mined here in 1899


The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Miass river

The upper regions of the Miass river contain placers with interesting PGM mineralogy.

Bornite Bowieite Cherepanovite Chromite Cooperite Cuprorhodsite Erlichmanite Ferronickelplatinum Ferrorhodsite Ferrorhodsite Godlevskite Gold Hongshiite Ilmenite Irarsite Isoferroplatinum Keithconnite Laurite Miassite Nickel Palladodymite Polkanovite Ruthenium Sperrylite Tin Tolovkite Tulameenite Vasilite Vysotskite

Mochalin Log

In 1927 V.A. Zilbermints found cerite in nearby placer. The next year the primary deposit was fond at the contact of nepheline syenites and granite (a fennite rock). It was only the second known primary occurrence of Cerite at the time. It is the type locality for three REE minerals.

Allanite-(Ce) Allanite-(La) Bastnasite-(Ce) Bastnasite-(La) Britholite-(Ce) Cerite-(Ce) Hydroxylbastnasite-(Ce) Lessingite-(Ce) Tornebohmite-(La)

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Nikolai Maximilianovskaya mine

Located in the Nazyamsky Gory, northwest of Zlatoust. The mine was founded in 1867 by mining engineer V.I. Redikordtsev.

Clintonite Perowskite Spinel (pleonast)

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Nurali complex

Nurali is a Iherzolite-gabbro complex with subeconomic chromite bodies. The deposit is mineralogically interesting because of a number of platinum minerals occuring in the chromite.

Chromite Erlichmanite Laurite Spinel

F. Zaccarini et al. (2004), Composition and mineralogy of PGE-rich chromitites in the Nurali Iherzolite-gabbro complex, southern Urals, Russia. CanMin Vol 42 no2, pp545-562

Praskovie-Evgenievskaya kop

Located about 10km west of Zlatoust

Spinel ('Chlorospinel')

Sanarka river

The locality Sanarka is a placer deposit for Topaz. It is usually not of very high quality.

 Euclase Topaz

Russische Topase und Berylle, Helmuth Leithner, Lapis,  september 1981, pp9-14
The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35


Satka is a sedimentary magnesite deposit, which is part of the Priuralye Bashkir meganticline. It is located in sediments of the Riphean Satka formation. The sediments are marbles and dolomites. The orebodies are two stratiform deposits of crystalline magnesite intruded by diabase dikes. Apart from the minerals, Satka is known as source for ornamental Ophiocalcite rock.

Aragonite Brucite Magnesite Quartz Siderite

ophiocalcite-satka.jpg (41245 bytes)

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35
Geology of Ore Deposits, V.I. Smirnov, 1976, p317


Semibratskoye is a sedimentary magnesite deposit, probably highly similar to Satka. One slight geological difference is that Semibratskoye is localted in the Middle Riphean Avsyan-Zigozino-Komarov formation. It is slightly younger than Satka.


Shishimskaya kop

The Shishimsk mine is located about 15km south southwest of Zlatoust in the Riphean Satka formation. The mine is best known for Leuchtenbergite, a Clinoclore variety. The mining operations started in 1833.The first 'Leuchtenbergite' was found here in 1842.

Clinochlore Clintonite Gibbsite Magnetite Spinel Vesuvianite

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 Clinochlore          Magnetite            Vesuvianite

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Sibay quarry

The Sibay quarry is located on the western limb of the Magnitogorsk megasynclinorium. The rocks of this deposit are volcanogenic and consist of five different layers of basalt, dacite, again basalt, rhyolite and a final basalt layer, making up the so called Karamalytash Group. The Karamalytash group is of Devonian (Eifelian) age. On top of the Karamalytash Group rests the Bugulygyr group, consisting of jasper. The ore is mostly confided to gabbro-diabase and pyroxene-plagioclase porphyrites cutting the volcanic rocks. As far as I know Sibay has two quarries a northern and a newer southern one. The picture is either the newer southern one, or a possible even newer third quarry. 

Arsenopyrite Barite Bornite Calcite Chalcopyrite Cinnabar Enargite Freibergite Galena Germanite Gold Greenockite Gypsum Hematite Magnetite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Siderite Sphalerite Tennantite

Ore Deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol II, pp146-151
The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Sludorudnik mine

The Sludorudnik mine is located near Kyshtym. It is a metamorphic complex. The name translates as 'mica ore'.

Actinolite Annite Epidote Molybdenite Paragonite Rutile Talc Zoisite

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  Actinolite             Annite                 Paragonite           Rutile               Zoisite

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35


Sol'iletsk is, how surprising, a salt mining town as reflected in it's name. The heraldy shows a cube of hallite and a pond of water with a snake and a bowl, referring to the medicinal properties of salt water. The website of Ilesksol shows underground mining and two or three shafts. Sol'iletsk is located in the Pri-Ural (just like Solikamsk in the north) about 75km south of Orenburg, near the Kazakh border.

Halite, Hydroboracite

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35


Suran is a sedimentary fluorite deposit in the Bashkir meganticline. It is located in the lower Riphean Suran formation.

Svetloye deposit

Beryl Churchite-(Y) Lithiophorite Staurolite


Taratash is a so called banded iron formation located at the northeast of the Bashkirian Meganticline. Geologically it is part of the ancient European continent and it dates from before the Riphean rift activity.

Tsarevo-Aleksandrovskii mine

An old (placer?) gold mine in the southern Urals. The mine was in operation between  1823 and 1842, but produced Russia's largest gold nugget, the Zolotoi-Treugolnik nugget, weighing just over 32kg. This nugget was found in 1842 and apparently they closed the mine soon after...


Tulcan is a Middle Riphean sedimentary iron ore deposit in the Bashkir meganticline. So far I have no details about it's mineralogy. Should be mainly Siderite


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Uchaly is a so called VMS, or Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide deposit, consisting of folded and layers of volcanic rocks of the Karamalytash-, Ulutau and Mukas suites. Uchaly is part of the Uralian Chalcopyrite Belt.

Altaite Anhydrite Aragonite Arsenopyrite Barite Bornite Calaverite Calcite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite Chrysocolla Cinnabar Coloradoite Elbaite Epidote Galena Gold Hessite Magnetite Malachite Mawsonite Piemontite Pumpellyite-Fe2+ Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Rutile Siderite Sphalerite Stannoidite Tellurium Tellurobismutite Tennantite Tetradymite Zoisite

Ore deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol II, p140
The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Urazovo deposit

The Urazovo deposit is a manganese deposit connected with the Yarlykapovo Middle Devonian jaspers . The Blagodatny quarry is quarry within this deposit.

Vishnevy Gory

Translated as the Cherry Mountains. Vishnevogorsk is a complex intrusion of about 25 x 4 kilometers in dimension. The main intrusion consists of nepheline syenites, alkaline syenites and associated carbonatite stockworks. There additional smaller intrusions nearby.

see also: Buldym lake and Kurochkin Log.

Arfvedsonite Bohmite Calcite Davidite-(Y) Ferrowinchite Fersmite Gibbsite Hedyphane Ilmenite Microlite Mirabilite Nepheline Niobo-Aeschynite-(Ce) Perowskite Pyrochlore Quartz Titanite Vishnevite Zircon. 

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   Fersmite              Nepheline           Perowskite        Vishnevite            Zircon

Yaman Kasay

The Yaman Kasay quarry is interesting about the Ural geology. Here remnants of the old proterozoic oceanic rift structure can be found. In this case traces of black smokers and their sulphides. The quarry is not far from Blyava, a similar locality. Or is it actually the same locality....

Zelentsovskaya mine

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The Zelentsovskaya mine is located near Magnitka, near Zlatoust.

Epidote Magnesiohastingite Manasseite Perowskite Spinel ('Chlorospinel')

The South Urals, a brief mineralogical guide, A.A. Evseev, World of Stones 1/93, pp31-35

Many thanks to Viktor Puchkov, who organized two geological tours in this area and was willing to share some of his pictures. Please look at: http://www.anrb.ru/geol/MinUrals/ for a more detailed description about the various suites and outcrops.