


Zabaikal, or Transbaikal is the area of Russia east of Lake Baikal. Zabaikal consists of three political provinces, Buryatia, Chitinskaya Oblast and the Aginskij Buryatskij Avtonomyi Okrug.


Barite Fluorite

Adun Chilon

Adun-Chilon is a mountain ridge, consisting of granite. In 1723 Topaz was found here.

Albite Beryl Fluorite Molybdenite Quartz Synchisite-(Y) Topaz

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Russische Topase und Berylle, Helmut Leithner, Lapis september 1981, pp9-14


Aldakachan is a tin tungsten deposit in the Kukul'bej mountains, not far from the Bukuka deposit. As Bukuka is Aldakachan also bound to biotite granites, so I assume similar mineralogy from both localities.

Gmelin-Krauts Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie, S


Bindheimite Cerussite Meneghinite Tremolite


The Antonovogorsk deposit is situated in a synclinal downwarp filled with Jurassic sandstone. The sandstone is intruded by a smal Jurassic granite pluton.

Bismuthinite Cassiterite Chalcopyrite Galena Molybdenite Muscovite Pyrrhotite Quartz Scheelite Sphalerite Wolframite

Ore deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977,  Vol III, pp205-206

Aunik fluorite deposit

Aunik is a metasomatic deposit in Buryatia.

Babefphite* Fluorite Ilmenorutile Phenakite Scheelite Zircon




Barun Shiveye is a tungsten depsit of the rare Hg-Sb-W type. It is located in eastern Transbaikal in the Paleozoic Aga field on the southern slopes of the Mogoituevo Khrebet. The country rock consists mainly of Paleozoic sediments. The deposit itself is found in a fracured fault zone in brecciated quartzite and schist.

Antimonite Arsenopyrite Chalcopyrite Cinnabar Ferberite Pyrite Quartz Siderite Sphalerite

Ore deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, Vol III, pp219 - 222

Belukha deposit

Berthierite Bismuthinite Gearksutite Molybdenite Stannite Wittite Wolframite

Beresovskoye deposit

This deposit is located close to Nerchinski Zavod in Chita Oblast. So far not much id known by me about this locality, but I list it to prevent confusion with the more famous Beresovskoye in the Ural.


Biraya river

Biraya river is a carbonatite with accompagnying fenites. It is located north east of Lake Baikal, just in Irkutsk oblast. Biraya river is the type locality for Biraite-(Ce)

Allanite-(Ce) Ancylite-(Ce) Aragonite Barite Barroisite Belkovite Biraite-(Ce) Calcite Cerite-(Ce) Chevkinite-(Ce) Cordylite-(Ce) Daqingshanite-(Ce) Dolomite Fergusonite-(Ce) Ferriallanite-(Ce) Humite Hydroxylbastnasite-(Ce) Monazite-(Ce) Pyrochlore Strontianite Talc Tornebohmite-(Ce) Tremolite Winchite


Blagodat deposit

See Ekaterino-Blagodatskoye entry. Both deposits are part of the same system.


Bom-Gorkhan is an intrusion of Caledonian granitoides on proterozoic biotite-amphibole schist and gneiss.

Cassiterite Chalcopyrite Cosalite Fluoroapatite Hematite Hubnerite Microcline Molybdenite Pyrite Scheelite Sphalerite Triplite

Ore deposits of the USSR, V.I Smirnov, Vol III, pp 206-209


The Bugdainsk molybdenum deposit is located in eastern Transbaikal. The oldest rocks around are Paleozoic granites, covered by lower and middle jurassic marine sediments and upper Jurassic volcanics. These rocks are cut by Upper Jurassic biotite-hornblende granite. On the exocontact of this intrusion the ore occurs.

Arsenopyrite Boulangerite Calcite Chalcopyrite Dolomite Fluorite Galena Galenobismuthite Gold Molybdenite Pyrite Quartz Rhodochrosite Scheelite Siderite Sphalerite Tennantite

Ore Deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol III, pp153-156

Bukuka deposit

The Bukuka deposit is located in eastern Transbaikal Mesozoic sediments. Through the area runs a large east west fault, along which a number of Jurassic intrusions can be found. The intrusive rock is mostly granodiorite with numerous quartz-ore veins. Small scale greisen formation took also place. Some sublocalities of this deposit are: the Kapital'naya adit, the Stavnaya adit, the Machekha vein, the Nenazvannaya vein and some numbered veins.

Bismuthinite Bornite Calcite Chalcopyrite Ferrimolybdite Fluorite Fluoroapatite Galena Lillianite Marcasite Molybdenite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Scheelite Sphalerite Stellerite Tennantite Topaz Triplite Wolframite

In addition there is 'complex bismuth mineralogy' reported from here....

Ore Deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol III, pp 216 - 219
Gmelin-Krauts Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie, S


Burpala is an alkaline intrusion near the Trekhzernyistream in the basin of the Maigunda river.  All this is in northern Buryatia, north of Lake Baikal. The Burpala intrusion has an elliptical shape with nepheline syenite in the core and syenites on the outside. The intrusion is situated in Cambrian schistose sandstone

Actinolite Aegirine Albite Ancylite-(Ce) Arfvedsonite Astrophyllite Bafertisite Bertrandite Biotite Brewsterite-(Ba) Britholite-(Ce) Brookite Burpalite Calciumcatapleiite Catapleiite Cerite-(Ce) Chabazite-Ca Chevkinite-(Ce) Cryolite Diopside Eudialyte Ferro-Eckermannite Ferrokentbrooksite Fluorite Fluoroapatite Genthelvine Hambergite Ilmenite Kupletskite Lamprophyllite Landauite Lavenite Leucophanite Loparite-(Ce) Lorenzenite Magnetite Melanocerite-(Ce) Microcline Murataite-(Y) Nepheline Neptunite Normandite Oligoclase Perrierite-(Ce) Plumbobetafite Polylithionite Pyrochlore Pyrophanite Quartz Riebeckite Seidozerite Sodalite Strontiumapatite Thorianite Thorite Titanite Vlasovite Zircon

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Mineralogy of the Burpala Alkaline massif (North of Lake Baikal), A. Portnov, Mineralogical Record jan/feb 2001


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Darasun deposit is located in the Transbaikal Gold-Molybdenum ore zone. The geological structure of the ore field is rather complex and consists of a wide variety of igneous rocks from Paleozoic to Mesozoic age, many of them metamorphically altered. Darasun consists of gabbroid rocks surrounded by granitoid rocks.
The Darasun orefield is currently worked by Highland Goldminging Ltd, which operated six shafts: the 10, 14, Southwest, Central, Northeast and East shafts. The Teremky and Talatui deposits are located close by.

Aikinite? Altaite Anhydrite Ankerite Antimonite Aragonite Arsenic? Arsenopyrite Barite Berthierite Bismuth Bismuthinite Boulangerite Bournonite Calcite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite Chalcostibite Cinnabar Cosalite Cubanite Dolomite Elbaite Emplectite Enargite? Famatinite Fluorite Fluoroapatite Galena Galenobismuthite Geocronite Goethite Gold Gypsum Hedleyite? Hematite Hessite Ilmenite Jamesite Joseite-A Joseite-B Krennerite Lillianite Magnetite Marcasite Matildite Meneghinite Molybdenite Muscovite Nagyagite Palygorskite Petzite Plagionite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Realgar? Rickardite Rutile Semseyite Siderite Silver Sphalerite Tetradymite Tetrahedrite Valleriite Weissite Willyamite Wittichenite Wolframite Zinckenite

Without doubt there will be a nice array of secondary minerals, more info about them is welcome! Minerals with a question mark are unconfirmed

Ore Deposits of the USSR, by V.I. Smirnov, 1977,  Vol III, pp 55-60
Highland Goldmining Ltd website at: www.highlandgold.com
The geochemistry of gold and it's deposits, geological survey of Canada, bulletin 280, 1979, p 191

Dzhida ore field

The Dhzida ore field is a combination of a number of ore and placer deposits in the Dzhida range in Buryatia. Pervomaisk molybdenum mine, Inkursk, Kholtoson, Inkura, Gudzhir, Malo Kholtoson and a few smaller ones.
The Dhzida ore field is confined to the Dzhida synclinorium. The Dzhida synclinorium consists of Lower Cambrian sediments. There was volcanic activity of the Khokhyortovka group. This volcanic activity caused the formation of volcano-sedimentary rocks, as well as numerous intrusions. These intrusions are very diverse and vary from ultrabasic to alkaline and acidic.
-Tsakir complex: lower paleozoic ultramafic
-Dzhida complex: paleozoic quartz diorites
-Malo-Kunalei complex: Triassic subalkaline syenites
-Gudzhir complex: Triassic-Jurassic leucocratic granites
The reason why all these localities are discussed as one lays in the complexity of the deposit. All the above intrusions partially overlap, making it a complicated 3d jigsaw puzzle. many Quartz-sulphide-Hubnerite ore veins run through several different intrusions.

Aikinite Ankerite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite Fluorite Fluorite Galena Grandidierite Hammarite Hematite Hubnerite Lindstromite Microcline Pyrite Quartz Rhodochrosite Scheelite Sphalerite Tetrahedrite Triplite

Ore Deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol III, pp 209 - 216


The Ekaterino-Blagodatskoye and the Blagodatskoye deposits are located only a few hundred meters apart and they have very similar geology and mineralogy. Both mines are also connected underground.  Because of this I will discuss them both in this entry. The deposits are located in the northeastern part of the Argun region, not far from the town of Nerchinsky Zavod. The ore bodies occur in lower cambrian carbonate rocks of the Bystrinsk group. This group is overlain by lower and middle Jurassic sediments. Middle to Late Jurassic quartz porphyry dikes cut the sediments. After injection of the dikes a dolomitization of the limetone took place.

Mining here goes back to the 18th century.

Anglesite Ankerite Antimonite Arsenopyrite Boulangerite Bournonite Calcite Cassiterite Cerussite Dolomite Galena Geocronite Marcasite Meneghinite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Semseyite Siderite Smithsonite Sphalerite Stannite and unspecified silver sulphosalts

Ore Deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol II, pp 192-197


Etyka is best known by collectors for it's Amazonite specimen. It is however a tin mine of the so called Quartz-Topaz type. It is situated in eastern Transbaikal in Lower-Middle Jurassic terrigenous sediments, close to the Paleozoic Aga massif. All this is cut by Cimmerian (Jurassic) granitoid intrusions. Two stages can be recognized in this intrusion. An early diorite intrusion followed by, or evolved into a granite intrusion. This granite is an Amazonite granite, where the feldspar is obviously Amazonite. Strictly the diorite phase is called 'Etyka' and the granite phase is called Kukulbei. This is a bit confusing, because the deposit is called Etyka, with both an Etyka and a Kukulbei mineralogical phases. Although there is a difference in paragenese between the two, I shall discuss Etyka as a single locality. Look up the reference below if want more details.

Albite Arsenopyrite Cassiterite Chalcopyrite Fluorite Fluoroapatite Galena Gearksutite Hematite Manganocolumbite Microcline Microlite Muscovite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Sellaite Sphalerite Stannite Topaz Triplite Wolframite Zinnwaldite Zircon

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Ore Deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol III, pp235 -239


Ingodinskoye is a tin deposit located in the southeastern part of the Daurskij synclinale along the Ingodinskoye river. THe deposit consists of a greinized granite intrusion in slate and sandstone.

Albite Cassiterite Fluorite Muscovite Quartz Topaz Wolframite (and 'sulfides')

Gmelin-Krauts Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie, Sn

Kaidanskii mine

Calcite Cerussite Galena Geocronite Gypsum Jamesonite Mimetesite Palygorskite Sphalerite Strontianite Teallite


Bischoffite Fluorite Gearksutite Halite Marcasite Mirabilite Pyrite

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Katugin river


Katugin is a Ta-Nb-REE metasomatite

Annite Arfvedsonite Ceriopyrochlore Chukhrovite-(Y) Cryolite Dravite Gadolinite-(Ce) Gagarinite-(Y) Galena Gearksutite Neighborite Pachnolite Pyrochlore Ralstonite Rutile Sillimanite Sphalerite Thomsenolite

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Kelyan deposit

A hydrothermal mercury deposit near the Kelyana river, North Myua range, in the Baunt district in Buryatia.

Antimonite Barite Calomel Cinnabar Eglestonite Kelyanite* Mercury Quartz Shakhovite*


Khapcheranga was discovered in the 1920's and first mining activities commenced during 1934 or 1935. It is located in the upper Onon valley. It is a greisen deposit 

Arsenopyrite Cassiterite Enargite Fluorite Galena Pyrite Pyrrhotite Sphalerite Stannite

Gmelin-Krauts Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie, Sn


The Kholodnina deposit is located north of the town of Nizhneangarsk, at the northern tip of Lake Baikal. The deposit was discovered in 1968 and consists of the Olokit synclinorium filled with upper Proterozoic sediments and minor gabbroic and dolerite intrusions. At the date of my only reference below, the deposit was still under investigation.

Chalcopyrite Galena Pyrite Pyrrhotite Sphalerite Staurolite

Ore deposits of the USSR, by V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol. II, pp249-252.


Klichka is a skarn deposit in the southeastern part of Transbaikal. Individual related localities are: Mulina Gora and the Savinovskii mine. The Savinovskii mine is described seperately.

Bakerite Barite Bertrandite Bindheimite Boulangerite Calcite Cerussite Euclase Ferro-Axinite Fluorite Helvite Hemimorphite Jamesonite Leadhillite Sellaite Smithsonite Stellerite

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Klyuchi deposit

The Klyuchi deposit is located in the Transbaikal Gold-Molybdenum ore zone. The deposits consists of Mesozoic granitoides with minor intrusions of the late Cimmerian cycle. These minor intrusions consist of diorites, grano-diorites and granites of the Amudzhikan-Sreten complex and they are genetically connected with the ore manifestations.

Arsenopyrite Benjaminite Bismuth Bismuthinite Bornite Chalcopyrite Elbaite Enargite Famatinite Freibergite Galena Gold Hematite Molybdenite Pyrite Quartz Rutile Sphalerite Tennantite Tetradymite Tetrahedrite Titanite Valleriite

Ore deposits of the USSR, by V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol. III, pp60 - 63.
The geochemistry of gold and it's deposits, geological survey of Canada, bulletin 280, 1979, p 299


Augelite Sillimanite Wagnerite


Levo Ingodinskoye, meaning left Ingodinskoye, is located close to Ingodinskoye in the Daurskij anticlinale. The deposit contains greisenized Aleurolites

Albite Cassiterite Fluorite Muscovite Quartz Topaz Wolframite (and 'sulfides')

Gmelin-Krauts Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie, Sn


Magnitnyy deposit is part of the Ust-Kara gold belt in eastern Transbaikal. The deposit contains of magnetite veins in granitoid intrusions.

Actinolite Arsenopyrite Bismuth Bismuthinite Chalcopyrite Cobaltite Elbaite Epidote Galena Galena Gold Hematite Ilmenite Magnetite Marcasite Pyrrhotite Quartz Scheelite Sphalerite Tetradymite Wolframite

The geochemistry of gold and it's deposits, geological survey of Canada, bulletin 280, 1979, p 194

Menzinskoye pegmatite field

Menzhinskoye pegmatite field consists of LCT-pegmatites

Albite Beryl Elbaite Fluoroapatite Formanite-(Y) Lepidolite Pollucite Quartz Spodumene

Mokhovaya pegmatite

The Mokhovaya pegmatite is part of the Malkhan pegmatitic region

Albite Borocookeite Boromuskovite Elbaite Lepidolite


The Novinka deposit is part of the Ust-Kara gold belt in eastern Transbaikal. The deposit contains of magnetite veins in granitoid intrusions.

Actinolite Arsenopyrite Bismuth Bismuthinite Chalcopyrite Cobaltite Elbaite Epidote Galena Galena Gold Hematite Ilmenite Magnetite Marcasite Pyrrhotite Quartz Scheelite Sphalerite Tetradymite Wolframite

The geochemistry of gold and it's deposits, geological survey of Canada, bulletin 280, 1979, p 194

Novoshirokinskoye mine

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The Novoshirokinskoye mine is mainly a lead zinc mine, located about 200km east of Nerchinsk. The mine was apparently never in production. Currently the mine is in production by the Highland Goldmining Ltd as gold and silver mine. One of the two shafts is called the Skipoy shaft and is 200 meters deep.

Highland Goldmining Ltd website at: www.highlandgold.com


Novoye is a tin deposit in the Daurskij anticlinale. It is located closely to Ingodinskoye deposit and has probably very similar mineralogy

Gmelin-Krauts Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie, Sn

Okt'yaberskoye deposit

The Okt'yaberskoye Mo-U deposit is part of the Streltsovskoye ore field near Krasnokamensk.

Bauranoite Calciouranoite Francevillite Ilsemannite Metacalciouranoite Meta-uranospinite Sodium-Zippeite


Ononskoye is one of the first modern Russian tin mines. It was first operated during WW I. Ononskoye is located near Olovyannaya in Chita oblast. The mineralogy probably consists of hydrothermal veins.

Cassiterite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Sphalerite

Gmelin-Krauts Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie, Sn

Orlovskoye mine

Orlovskoye is a tantal mine in eastern Transbaikal. It is a greisen deposit. The deposit would probably not be mentioned in any reference where it not the type locality for native indium. 

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Ozernoye deposit

Not to be confused with the Ozernoye analcime deposit near the Tunguska river.

Ozernoye deposit was discovered in 1963 in Buryatia. The deposit is situated in lower Cambrian volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Oldynda. These rocks are strongly folded by the Caledonian orogenese.and re intruded or cut by a number of different rocks; early paleozoic granitoid of the Vitimkan complex, subvolcanic diabases, permian granosyenite- and quartz porphyries and Triassic to Jurassic dolerite basalts. The ore is polymetallic of hydrothermal origin and mostly confined to strata. Note the abscence of copper mineralogy!

Acanthite Ankerite Arsenopyrite Barite Calcite Dolomite Epidote Galena Gold Gypsum Hematite Magnetite Muscovite Pearceite Polybasite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Rutile Siderite Silver Sphalerite

Ore deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov,1977,  Vol II, pp227-233

Ozyorny massif

Is this the same locality as Ozernoye above or maybe the same as Ozerskii massif sometimes mentioned as locality in Pribaikal?

Kilchoanite Plombierite

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Plombierite + Kilchoanite


Carefull there are more localities named Pervomaiskoye in Russia. At least one on the Crimea (Ukraine) and one near Malyshevo in the Ural.

Pervomaiskoye is a typical LCT-pegmatite.

Albite Elbaite Lepidolite Microcline Microlite Opal Petalite Spodumene

Savinovskii mine

The Savinovskii mine is a mine in the Klichka district of Chitinskaya oblast. There are probably more individual mines and shafts, since world of Stones 4/94 makes mention of the Savinovskoye Number 5 mine.

Fluorapophyllite Hetaerolite Sphalerite Stellerite Stilbite-Ca

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Shakhtaminsk is a deposit connected to the upper jurassic Shakhtamisk pluton, consisting mainly of hornblende granites and granodiorites. These rocks are cut by lamprophyres and diorite and are associated with minor eruptive rocks.

Altaite Ankerite Antimonite Arsenopyrite Bismuth Bornite Bournonite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite Dolomite Elbaite Enargite Fluorite Galena Gold Hessite Jamesonite Magnetite Molybdenite Pyrargyrite Pyrite Quartz Scheelite Seligmannite Silver Sphalerite Stannite Tennantite

(Sherlovaya Gora)

Sherlovogorsk is one of Russia's largest tungsten/tin placer deposits. It is located in Chitinskaya oblast. Discovered in the 1920's, mining operations started half way the 1930's. Sherlovogorsk is a greisen deposit with a second tourmaline-quartz-sulfide generation.

Arsenopyrite Beryl Beudantite Bismuth Bismuthinite Bismutite Cassiterite Elbaite Ferberite Fluorite Gold Hubnerite Molybdenite Monazite-(Ce) Quartz Scheelite Scorodite Siderophyllite Topaz Torbernite Wurzite Zavaritskite Zinnwaldite

Gmelin-Krauts Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie, Sn

Smirnovskii mine

Cylindrite Franckeite Galena Geocronite Teallite

Soktui mountain

Soktui mountain is without doubt the most intriguing locality of Russia. In the early 1860s mineral samples where collected here and presented to professor Eremeev. In 1868 he published that the samples from Soktui contained the new mineral Jeremejewite in great yellow crystals. So far nothing is intriguing, but the locality is lost ever since. Nobody succeeded in finding back the mysterious Soktui mountain. There is even debate whether it is in the northwest or southeast of the Adun Cholon range. There are many granite intrusions in the region and names of mountains have changed frequently.

Solnechnaya mine

The Solnechnaya mine is a pegmatite in the famous Malchan mountains

Bismuthocolumbite Bismutomicrolite


Solongo is located in Buryatia. It is a boron rich skarn deposit.

Alabandite Borcarite Buryatite Bustamite Cahnite Calcite Clinokurchatovite Dashkovaite Fedorovskite Formicaite Forsterite Frolovite Gahnite Hexahydroborite Jakobsite Johnbaumite Kurchatovite Ludwigite Magnetite Pentahydroborite Phlogopite Pyrophanite Rhodonite Roweite Sakhaite Sibirskite Solongoite Sphalerite Svabite Szaibelyite Turneaureite Vesuvianite Vimsite Vitimite Wollastonite

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Sosedka pegmatite

Sosedka is part of the series of Malkhan pegmatites.

Albite Borocookeite Boromuskovite Elbaite Lepidolite

Spokoinyi deposit

The Spokoinyi deposit is situated in the Paleozoic Aga sandstone belt in eastern Transbaikal. These rocks are intruded by Mesozoic leucocratic granites. These granites where subsequently altered to a Greisen.

Bismuthinite Cassiterite Chalcopyrite Elbaite Fluorite Fluoroapatite Muscovite Pyrrhotite Quartz Scheelite Sphalerite Wolframite Zircon

Ore Deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol III, pp197-199

Taininskoye mine

Located near Nerchinsk in Chitinskaya Oblast

Cerussite Hemimorphite Mimetesite Smithsonite


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The Talatui mine is closely related to the Darasun mine. It is located about 16km from Darasun inthe same geological setting. The deposit was discovered in 1966 and actively mined between 1983 and 1988. Currently the mine is flooded. Talatui is a gold mine.

Highland Goldmining Ltd website at: www.highlandgold.com

Teremky mine

The Teremky mine is a gold mine located close to Darasun.

Highland Goldmining Ltd website at: www.highlandgold.com

Trekhsvyatitelskoye mine

Beudantite Bindheimite Cerussite Corkite Galena Hemimorphite Mimetesite Pyromorfite

Tulukui mine

Probably the same geology as the Okt'yaberskoy deposit above. Both localities are located close to Krasnokamensk


Udokan deposit

The Udokan deposit consists of metamorphosed terrigenous sediments of the lower proterozoic Udokan series. This series is over 10km thick and is cut by intrusive formations. The ore deposit is of the stratiform type. This means that different groups in the Udokan series are rich in copper ores. The richest layer is the Naminga group, consisting of sandstone. Other noteworthy groups are the Sakukan Group and the Butun Group. The Udokan deposit is located in the West Aldan terrane.

Antlerite Arsenopyrite Azurite Bismuth Bornite Brochantite Calcite Chalcanthite Chalcocite Chalcophyllite Chalcopyrite Chrysocolla Cobaltite Copper Covellite Cuprite Cyanotrichite Delafossite Epidote Galena Goethite Gold Gypsum Hematite Jarosite Linnaeite Magnetite Malachite Marcasite Melanterite Molybdenite Polydymite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Quartz Siegenite Silver Sphalerite Stromeyerite Tennantite Tenorite Tin Valleriite

Ore Deposits of the USSR, V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol II pp170-178
Geology of Ore Deposits, V.I. Smirnov, 1976, p455


Ugol'noye  deposit is part of the Ust-Kara gold belt in eastern Transbaikal. The deposit contains of magnetite veins in granitoid intrusions.

Actinolite Arsenopyrite Bismuth Bismuthinite Chalcopyrite Cobaltite Elbaite Epidote  Galena Galena Gold Hematite Ilmenite Magnetite Marcasite Pyrrhotite Quartz Scheelite Sphalerite Tetradymite Wolframite

The geochemistry of gold and it's deposits, geological survey of Canada, bulletin 280, 1979, p 194

Urulga river

Located in the Borchevochnyi mountains, close to Nerchinsk. Between the Shilka and Unda rivers lays a granite complex known for it's gemmy topaz. The  Urulga river is a tributary of the Shilka river. The locality was discovered in 1850.


Russische Topase und Berylle, Helmut Leithner, Lapis september 1981, pp9-14

Verkhne Ingodinskoye deposit

Verkhne Ingodinskoye is a metasomatic, so called greisen, tin deposit. So additionally to the mineralogy below I expect cassiterite, fluorite and topaz.

Bismuthinite Gold Ingodite Tetradymite


A metasomatic deposit in Buryatia

Bavenite Bertrandite Eudidymite Eudidymite Fluorite Meliphanite Milarite Phenakite

Zerentui mine

Cerussite Galena Hemimorphite

Zharchinskoye Mo deposit

 Barite Dickite Gearksutite Prosopite Ralstonite Siderite Zharchikhite*

Zhireken deposit

Zhireken is a gold-molybdenum deposit of the Transbaikal Gold-Molybdenum ore zone. The geology consists of a basin of paleozoic granites, filled with Jurassic terrigenous sediments. The ore is connected to a hornblende-biotite granite intrusion.

Biotite Bismuthinite Chalcopyrite Fluorite Galena Magnetite Molybdenite Quartz Scheelite Sphalerite Tennantite

Ore deposits of the USSR, by V.I. Smirnov, 1977, Vol. III, pp156-160

Zolotaya Gora


Not to be confused with Zolotaya Gora near Karabash in the Urals.

Euxenite-(Y) Gadolinite-(Ce) Microcline