Khibiny Tundry
(Umptek massif)
The Khibiny massif is together with the Lovozero massif probably on of the
best known mineral sites of Russia. Both localities are globally unique. Both are
nepheline-syenite intrusions and thought to be outcrops of a single large
intrusion. Khibiny and Lovozero have the same age and roughly the same
composition. The Khibiny massif is located on central Kola. The large horseshoe
like mountain range lays between Lake Imandra in the west and lake Umbozero in
the east. Most mining activity developed in the south and southeastern part of
the massif. No surprise most infrastructure can be found there around the towns
of Apatity, Kirovsky, Titan and Koashva.
Most localities in the Khibiny massif are named after mountains and rivers. The
Kirovsky mine is famous, but most other mines never make it to the mineral
labels. Examples of these mines are the Tsentralnye mine, Vostochniy (eastern)mine,
Saamski mine and Apatitovy Zirk. It is hard to give exact localities for the
Khibiny massif. The mountains often stretch for several kilometers and two
minerals occurring for instance on Mount N'yourpakhk, do not necessarily occur
close to each other.
This is a pretty cool map of the Khibiny massif!
But before you download it, realize it is 4Mb
and in the Russian language
(to save server space, I used an external link.)
The Khibiny tundry is an Agpaitic intrusion. This name is derived from Agpat
in Greenland, where similar intrusions are found. This type of intrusion is also
called a alkaline intrusion (because the rocks are rich in sodium and potassium)
or nepheline-syenite intrusions. The latter reveals that a rock called
nephelinesyenite is the prime constituent of the Khibiny massif. Syenite is an
intrusive rock comparable to granite. Granite consists of feldspar, quartz and
mica. Syenites are a sort of granite with a quartz deficiency, consisting mostly
of feldspars. Nepheline-syenite has even less silica, not even enough to form
feldspars. Instead of feldspars nepheline is formed.
The Khibiny intrusion was formed about 362 m.y. ago when a blob of alkaline
magma intruded the Archean granite-gneiss. The intrusion measures about 30km in
diameter and is the biggest of it's kind. Structurally the intrusion consists of
numerous variaties of nepheline syenite arranged in concentric circles. The
intrusion is horseshoe shaped with the opening towards the east. The entire
center section of the intrusion consists of Foyaite. In this foyatite zone are
isles or xenoliths of carbonatite. The biggest one is at Tullilukht bay, on the
estuary of the Tuliok river.
Outside the foyaite is a zone of rischorrite rock, which is mainly developed in
the south. The rischorrite is followed by a urtite/ijolite zone. In the south
the rich apatite ores of Rasvumchorr and Koashva is inbetween the rischorrite
and urtite/ijolite zones. The urtite/ijolite zone roughly goes through the
center of the massif, Koashva, Rasvumchorr, Kukisvumchorr, Pik marchenko,
Rischorr, Partomchorr. It is mineralogically the most intresting zone. This same
zone is also interesting because here occur numerous small xenoliths. Pieces of
rock that fell into the molten intrusions from the roof. These rocks got altered
and fenitized and can be home of unique mineralogy as in Kaskasnyunyachorr. Outside
this complex zone are zones of khibinite rock They make up the entire western
part of the khibiny intrusion. Finally around the edge of the intrusion
are fenites. Fenites are no nepheline syenites. Fenites are metasomatic rocks.
The hot temperature of the intrusive magma melted parts of the surrounding
gneiss. Substances from the magma reacted with the gneiss to form a contact
aureole. This altered rock is called a fenite.
What generally makes Khibiny and Lovozero such interesting sites is the occurrence of hydrothermal reflux. Hot waters circulated through cracks of the intrusive rocks. On it's way the water dissolved minerals and deposited others. Many of the primary minerals, such as Albite, Nepheline and Eudialyte are easily attacked by these fluids. The majority of Khibiny's minerals are formed this way. Small changes in the pH, temperature or amount of dissolved substances creates new species of minerals and dissolves others.
Aikuaventchorr is located just southeast of Kirovsk (town) in the
Khibinite-zone. The locality is most famous for it's epididymite.
Aegirine Albite Analcime Ancylite-(La) Catapleiite Chabazite-K Cryptomelane
Epididymite Lorenzenite Polylithionite Pyrolusite
Chasnyachorr is a lesser known locality. It can be found on the west bank of the
Kuliok river in the northwestern part of the Khibiny massif. It is on the border
of the ijolite/urtite and khibinite zones. It is supposed to be classic locality for
Aegirine, but I never saw any material from there.
Aegirine, Eudialyte.
Eweslogchorr is one of the more famous Khibiny localities. It is located in
the busy southeastern part of the intrusion, but not in the apatite-ore zone.
Eweslogchorr is situated north of Vuonnemiok river, between Yukspor and
N'Yourpakhk. Eweslogchorr lays in the rischorrite zone. A well known sublocality
of Eweslogchorr is Astrophyllite ruchei. The upper area of this creek is
the famous astrophyllite locality. The rischorrite is cut by many albite and
microcline vein, rich in astrophyllite. Many of the REE pegmatite minerals occur
on a large xenolith at Eweslogchorr.
Aegirine Aenigmatite Aeschynite-(Ce) Albite Almandine Analcime Ancylite-(Ce)
Ancylite-(La) Andalusite Andesine Annite Anorthoclase Arfvedsonite Astrophyllite
Barylite Barytolamprofyllite Belovite-(Ce) Belovite-(La) Bertrandite Bohmite
Bromellite Cancrinite Catapleiite Chabazite-Ca Chalcopyrite Chivruaiite
Chrysoberyl Cordierite Corund Denisovite Dorfmanite Epididymite Eudialyte
Eveslogite Fayalite Fergusonite-(Y) Ferrocolumbite Ferrokentbrooksite Fersmanite
Fluocerite-(Ce) Fluorite Gahnite Gaidonnayite Galena Goethite Gonnardite
Graphite Hedenbergite Hercynite Hydrocerussite Ilmenite Janhaugite Kalsilite
Kassite Kentbrooksite Kostylevite Kuzmenkoite-Mn Labuntsovite-Mn Lamprophyllite
Lavenite Leifite Leucophanite Lollingite Loparite-(Ce) Lorenzenite Lovozerite
Magnetite Mangan-Neptunite Marcasite Microcline Molybdenite Monazite-(Ce)
Monazite-(La) Murmanite Muscovite Natrolite Nepheline Normandite Palygorskite
Paratsepinite-Ba Para-Umbite Pectolite Perlialite Phlogopite Priderite Pyrite
Pyrochlore Pyrrhotite Quartz Rastsvetaevite Rinkite Rosenbuschite Safflorite
Sekaninaite Shcherbakovite Sillimanite Sodalite Spessartine Sphalerite
Strontiumapatite Takanelite Thorite Titanite Topaz Troilite Tsepinite-Ca
Tsepinite-K Tsepinite-Sr Tugtupite Umbite Vinogradovite Vuonnemite
Vuoriyarvite-K Wadeite Xenotime-(Y) Yuksporite Zircon
![]() Aenigmatite |
![]() Analcime |
![]() Astrophyllite |
![]() Corund |
![]() Dorfmanite |
![]() Eweslogite |
![]() Fersmanite |
![]() Kassite |
![]() Para-Umbite |
![]() Perlialite |
![]() Priderite |
![]() Titanite |
(Mount Fersman)
A locality in the central western part if the intrusion in the Khibinite
Not too important, only Natrolite is known by me so far.
Hackman valley
(Hackmann Gorge, Gakman)
Hackman valley is one of those localities which will be always problematic.
Historically there is only one locality in Hackman valley, the Lovchorrite
mine. It is an old mine which worked mosandrite ore in the days of the GuLAG
camps. Up until 2003 this mine was considred boring by collectors and only
produced large massive chunks of mosandrite/rinkite. But in 2003 Tsepinite-Ca was
discovered in this mine and more interesting mineralogy (like Kentbrooksite,
Ancylite-La/Ce, Kupletskite etc) also became known from here. Not so dull
afterall! As with most localities in Khibiny and Lovozero, the interesting
minerals occur in pegmatite and hydrothermal veins. The discovery of Tsepinite-Ca
was also done in a pegmatite vein in the underground works of the Lovchorrite
mine. The pegmatitic veins consists mainly of Microcline, Nepheline, Aegirine
and Arfvedsonite.
The problem with Hackman valley as locality is that this valley runs between Yukspor and Rasvumchorr mountains. Many of the minerals reported from this valley come from the slopes of these mountains (i.e. Yukspor's Materialnaya adit!!) and should really be contributed to the mountain.
Aegirine Albite Ancylite-(Ce) Ancylite-(La) Arfvedsonite Astrophyllite Barylite
Calcite Catapleiite Cerite-(Ce) Chabazite-Ca Edingtonite Eudialyte
Fluorapophyllite Fluoroapatite Graphite Henrymeyerite Kentbrooksite Khibinskite
Kupletskite Labuntsovite-[] Lamprophyllite Leukophane Lorenzenite
Magnesiohoornblende Microcline Mosandrite Natrolite Nepheline Parakeldyshite
Perlialite Quartz Rinkite Sodalite Tainiolite Titanite Tsepinite-Ca
Vinogradovite Yuksporite Zeophyllite Zircon
![]() Graphite |
![]() Kentbrooksite |
![]() Mosandrite |
Tsepinite-Ca, a new mineral of the Labuntsovite group from the Khibiny Alkaline massif, Kola Peninsula-novel disordered sites in the Vuoriyarvite type strucure. by Igor Pekov et al. N.Jb.Miner.Mh, 2003 (10) 461-480
Same as Idichvumchorr?
An obscure locality. The provisional minerals M55 and M51 where found in drill cores in the Kaliok river area. [Khomyakov 1995]
Mount Kaskasnyunchorr is located north of Kukisvumchorr in central Khibiny. The
mountain is on the contact between foyaite and rischorrite rock, with
lyavochorrite to the north. Of course Kaskasnyunyachorr has it shares of
pegmatic veins and fenitised xenoliths, but the locality is most famous for
one such xenolith northeast of the mountain. This xenolite consists of
uniquely reduced minerals and it type locality for Edgarite. It also houses
unique zoned molybdenite-tungstenite crystals.
Mineral name Akaganeite Alabandite Chalcopyrite Crichtonite Edgarite
Freudenbergite Galena Ikranite Loveringite Mangan-Neptunite Marcasite
Molybdenite Neighborite Pyrite Rutile Topaz Tungstenite Vuoriyarvite-K
![]() Crichtonite |
![]() Edgarite |
Zoned Tungstenoan molybdenite from a fenitized megaxenolite in the
Khibina alkaline complex, Kola Peninsula, Russia. by Andrei Barkov et al,
Canadian Mineralogist Vol 38 pp1377-1385 (2000)
Kupletskite (Rb rich), Loparite-(Ce) and, Tundrite-(Ce)
Epididymite Eudialyte Paralabuntsovite-Mg Tsepinite-Na Tsepinite-Sr IMA2008-001
The Kirovsky mine is the oldest mine on the Kola peninsula and opened in
1929. The main ores, for the entire Khibiny massif, are apatite, used as
fertiliser, thorium and rare earth elements (mosandrite, loparite etc) and
nepheline as alumium ore. The Kirovsky mine is situated close to the town of
Kirovsk and on the western end of the apatite zone.
q.v Kukisvumchorr for mineralogy
Little is known by me about this locality only that Zakharovite occurs here.
Koashva is located in the southeast of the intrusion in the apatite zone.
The most common rock besides the Apatite ore is Urtite.
Adrianovite Aegirine Ancylite-(Ce) Annite Arctite Arfvedsonite Astrophyllite
Barytolamprofyllite Belovite-(Ce) Bonshtedtite Burbankite-(Ce) Cancrinite
Cancrisilite Carbonate Fluorapatite Catapleiite Chabazite-Ca Chkalovite
Chlorbartonite Clinophosinaite Cobaltite Crawfordite Delhayelite Deloneite-(Ce)
Djerfisherite Dorfmanite Ershovite Eudialyte Ewaldite Fenaksite Fluorcaphite
Fluorite Fluoroapatite Galena Hydroastrophyllite Imandrite Isolueshite
Kalifersite Kazakovite Koashvite Kostylevite Labuntsovite-[] Labuntsovite-Mn
Labyrinthite Lamprophyllite Lemmleinite-K Lisitsynite Lomonosovite Loparite-(Ce)
Lorenzenite Lovozerite Mackinawite Magnesio-astrophyllite Megakalsilite
Microcline Mosandrite Murunskite Nacaphite Natisite Natrite Natrolite
Natrophosphate Nefedovite Nepheline Para-Umbite Pectolite Petersenite-(Ce)
Phosinaite-(Ce) Rasvumite Remondite-(La) Rhabdophane-(Ce) Rinkite
Sazykinaite-(Y) Shafranovskite Shcherbakovite Sidorenkite Sitinakite Sodalite
Sphalerite Steenstrupine-(Ce) Strontiumapatite Thermonatrite Thorosteenstrupine
Tiettaite Tisinalite Troilite Trona Umbite Villiaumite Vitusite-(Ce) Vuonnemite
Wilhelmramsayite Zakharovite Zirsinalite
Kukisvumchorr is located north of the town of Kirovsk in the topographical
center of the intrusion. because it is along mountain it intersects three zones,
the iolite/urthite zone, the rischorrite zone and a small nepheline-syenite
zone. Kukisvumchorr has numerous sublocalities. Most famous is the Kirovsky
mine, located at the foot of the mountain. Kirovsky mine is discussed
separately above. Pik Marchenko is the northern section of Kukisvumchorr
and it is discussed separately below.
On the north slope of Kukisvumchorr lays Svintsovyi ruchei, or Lead
Creek. The creek was named after the finds of Galena and Astrophyllite in
the mid 1970s in the middle part of this stream. At the upper part is known for
Almandine and Corund. These minerals are connected to one of the many hornfels
xenoliths in the area. Another nearby sublocality is the Zirconovyi pegmatite,
located about 300 meters west of Svintsovyi and type locality for
Another sublocality is Vortkeuajv pass. Here occurs a natrolite-feldspar
vein with prismatic blue Anatase crystals.
Aegirine Aenigmatite Albite Almandine Amesite Amicite Analcime Anatase
Ancylite-(Ce) Ancylite-(La) Andalusite Ankerite Annite Anorthoclase Arfvedsonite
Armbrusterite Arsenopyrite Astrophyllite Bariopyrochlore Barite Barylite
Barytocalcite Barytolamprofyllite Belovite-(Ce) Belovite-(La) Biotite Bohmite
Bonshtedtite Bornemannite Bornite Bradleyite Bromellite Buergerite
Burbankite-(Ce) Bussenite Cafetite Calcio-Ancylite-(Ce) Calcite Canasite
Cancrinite Cancrisilite Carbocernaite Carbonate Fluorapatite Carbonate
Hydroxylapatite Catapleiite Cerussite Chabazite-Ca Chabazite-K Chabazite-Na
Chalcocite Chalcopyrite Chrysoberyl Cobaltite Cordylite-(Ce) Corund Covellite
Cubanite Cuprite Davidite-(Ce) Dawsonite Delhayelite Delindeite Denisovite
Diaspore Diopside Djerfisherite Dolomite Donnayite-(Y) Dorfmanite Elpidite
Epididymite Erythrite Eudialyte Eudidymite Ewaldite Fenaksite Ferrikatophorite
Ferrocolumbite Ferroseladonite Fersmanite Fluorapophyllite Fluorcalciobritholite
Fluorite Fluoroapatite Franconite Gaidonnayite Galena Gerasimovskite Gibbsite
Glauconite Gobbinsite Goethite Gonnardite Götzenite Graphite Hedenbergite
Hematite Hemimorphite Hercynite Heulandite-Ca Heulandite-K Hilairite Hisingerite
Hochelagaite Hydrodelhayelite Ilmenite Iron Isolueshite Jarosite Kalborsite
Kalifersite Kalsilite Komarovite Kukharenkoite-(Ce) Kukharenkoite-(La)
Kukisvumite Kupletskite Labuntsovite-Fe Labuntsovite-Mg Labuntsovite-Mn
Lamprophyllite Lead Leifite Lemmleinite-Ba Lemmleinite-K Leucophanite Lithargite
Litvinskite Lomonosovite Loparite-(Ce) Lorenzenite Lovozerite Mackinawite
Magnesio-Arfvedsonite Magnesio-Astrophyllite Magnetite Makatite Malachite
Mangan-Neptunite Manganokukisvumite Marcasite McKelveyite-(Y) Merlinoite
Microcline Middendorfite Molybdenite Monazite-(Ce) Mongolite Montmorillonite
Mosandrite Murmanite Murunskite Muscovite Nabaphite Nacaphite Nafertisite
Nahcolite Narsarsukite Nastrophite Natisite Natrite Natrolite Natrophosphate
Natroxalate Nechelyustovite Neighborite Nenadkevichite Neotocite Nepheline
Neptunite Neskevaarite-Fe Nontronite Nordite-(La) Nordstrandite Opal Orthoclase
Paranatisite Paranatrolite Paravinogradovite Pectolite Pentlandite Perowskite
Petarasite Phillipsite-K Phlogopite Pirssonite Podlesnoite Polylithionite
Potassic-Arfvedsonite Potassic-Fluororichterite Pyatenkoite-(Y) Pyrite
Pyrochlore Pyrophanite Pyrrhotite Quartz Raite Rasvumite Remondite-(Ce)
Remondite-(La) Rhodochrosite Rinkite Safflorite Saponite Sekaninaite Seladonite
Serandite Shcherbakovite Shirokshinite Shortite Siderite Siderophyllite
Sidorenkite Sillimanite Sitinakite Soda Sodalite Sodiumkomarkovite Sphalerite
Steacyite Strontianite Synchisite-(Ce) Tainiolite Taseqite Thaumasite Thenardite
Thermonatrite Thorite Titanite Tobermorite Topaz Troilite Trona Tsepinite-K
Tsepinite-Na Tuliokite Umbite Villiaumite Vinogradovite Vivianite Vlasovite
Vuonnemite Vuoriyarvite-K Wadeite Witherite Yakovenchukite-(Y) Yttrobetafite-(Y)
Zakharovite Zeophyllite Zircon Zirsinalite
Not yet approved minerals from Kukisvumchorr are (click
here for explanation):
M5, M23, M48, M62, M70, M73
Kukisvumchorr, Mineralogical Almanac 7, 2004, Pekov et al, Moscow
Canasite, Delhayelite, Djerfisherite, Nefedovite* and Rasvumite.
Located in the northeast of the intrusion in the nepheline-syenite zone. The
locality gained fame Normandite locality.
Aegirine Carbocernaite Normandite
Loparski pass is probably the best locality for nice purple Sodalite of the Hackmanite variety. Illuminating these samples with SW UV light brings back the deep color. The rocks at Loparski pass are Rischorrites, but the corund, hercynite, topaz and hackmanite all come from a gneiss xenolith..
Aegirine Astrophyllite Corund, Eudialyte Hercynite Sodalite ("Hackmanite')
CAREFULL Maly Manepakhk is in northwestern Khibiny massif, while Manepakhk is in south central Lovozero massif!
Maly Manepakhk is located in the chibinite zone.
Aegirine Aenigmatite Albite Analcime Arfvedsonite Chabazite-Ca Eudialyte
Gutkovaite-Mn Kuzmenkoite-Mn Labuntsovite-Mn Loparite-(Ce) Lorenzenite
Mangan-Neptunite Microcline Murmanite Natrolite Nenadkevichite Nepheline
Nontronite Polylithionite Rinkite Stilbite-Ca
Interesting mineralogy comes from a drill core of rare metal metasomatites.
Andradite Biotite Britholite-(Ce) Calcite Calzirtite Cancrinite Cuspidine
Fluorite Glaucochroite Hedenbergite Magnetite Melilite Nepheline Schorlomite
Stronalsite Wollastonite
Not yet approved minerals are (click
here for explanation):
N'Yourkpakhk is north of the Vuonemmiok river, but it is on the same apatite zone
as Koashva and Rasvumchorr,
Aegirine Albite Anatase Annite Arfvedsonite Astrophyllite Burbankite-(Ce)
Cancrinite Eudialyte Fersmanite Fluorcaphite Fluorite Fluoroapatite Galena
Galena Gibbsite Goethite Hemimorphite Kazakovite Khanneshite Kuzmenkoite-Mn
Labuntsovite-Fe Labuntsovite-Mn Lamprophyllite Lemmleinite-K Loparite-(Ce)
Lorenzenite Merlinoite Microcline Minium Natrolite Nenadkevichite Nepheline
Pectolite Pyrochlore Shafranovskite Sodalite Titanite Titanite Uranpyrochlore
Olenii Ruchei can be translated as Reindeer creek. The locality is known as type locality for Altisite and Natrite (Minerals first discovered...., I Pekov) Probably all minerals from here come from boreholes.
Aegirine Altisite Analcime Ancylite-(Ce) Bonshtedtite Burbankite-(Ce) Calcite
Cryolite Ferrotychite Galena Gaylussite Mackinawite Magnesio-Astrophyllite Nacaphite Natrite
Nefedovite Nepheline Pectolite Rasvumite Shcherbakovite Shortite Sodalite
Sphalerite Tinaksite Villiaumite
Not yet approved minerals are (click
here for explanation):
Partomchorr is located in the nepheline-syenite zone in the north of the
intrusion.Boehmite is found here in a pectolite natrolite vein cutting
ijolite-urtite rocks at a depth of 93.5m.
Aegirine Astrophyllite Boehmite Bonshtedtite Eudialyte Loparite-(Ce) Lorenzenite
Minium Natrolite Normandite Pectolite Wadeite
![]() Eudialyte |
![]() Lorenzenite |
Mineralogy of Hyperagpaitic Alkaline Rock, A.P. Khomyakov (1995), Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK, p71
Petrelius is a 'new' locality in Khibiny. It gained fame only recently as type locality for Georgbarsanovite. The locality is described as 'upper part of Petrelius river'. This area is also known as Petrelius mountain.
Georgbarsanovite Nepheline
Pik Marcheno is in fact the northern section of Kukisvumchorr. It is on the
contact of foyaite and rischorrite.
Anatase Ancylite-(Ce) Ancylite-(La) Annite Arfvedsonite Astrophyllite Biotite
Cancrinite Catapleiite Eudialyte Fluoroapatite Goethite Ilmenite Lorenzenite
Microcline Natrolite Nepheline Sphalerite Spodiophyllite Zircon
Poachvumchorr is a little known mountain located just west of Kukisvumchorr and north of Takhtarvumchorr.
Eudialite Kalsilite
Putelichorr is situated in the ijolite-urtite zone.
Aenigmatite Astrophyllite Biotite Cancrinite Fluorbritholite-(Ce) Fluorite Natrolite
Not yet approved minerals are (click
here for explanation):
Apatitovy Zirk (Apatite circus) is a sublocality of Rasvumchorr
Rasvumchorr is located on the busy apatite zone in the southeastern section of
the intrusion. Besides the apatite ore, rischorrite and ijolite-urtite occurs
Aegirine Aeschynite-(Ce) Ancylite-(Ce) Annite Anorthoclase Arfvedsonite
Astrophyllite Banalsite Barentsite Barylite Barytolamprofyllite Cafetite
Canasite Carbonate Fluorapatite Chabazite-Ca Chabazite-K Chalcopyrite Chkalovite
Clinophosinaite Cubanite Delhayelite Diopside Djerfisherite Dorfmanite Ershovite
Eudialyte Ewaldite Fenaksite Fluorite Fluoroapatite Fraipontite Gaidonnayite
Galena Goethite Hematite Henrymeyerite Hisingerite Hydrodelhayelite Ilmenite
Imandrite Kalborsite Kalifersite Kassite Kazakovite Koashvite Lamprophyllite
Leucophanite Leucosphenite Lomonosovite Lorenzenite Lovozerite
Magnesio-Astrophyllite Magnetite Manaksite Mangan-Neptunite Megacyclite
Microcline Molybdenite Morimotoite Murmanite Nabaphite Nacaphite Natisite
Natrite Natrolite Natrophosphate Nepheline Nitratine Normandite Olgite Olympite
Orthoclase Paranatisite Pectolite Phillipsite-Ca Phosinaite-(Ce) Pyrochlore
Pyrophanite Pyrrhotite Rastsvetaevite Rasvumite Revdite Rutile Sanidine
Shafranovskite Shcherbakovite Sidorenkite Sodalite Sphalerite Strontiumapatite
Thermonatrite Thomsonite-Ca Thomsonite-Sr Tiettaite Tinaksite Titanite
Ulvospinell Umbite Villiaumite Vinogradovite Vitusite-(Ce) Wadeite Zirsinalite
Not yet approved minerals are (click
here for explanation):
M1, M44, M45
![]() Astrophyllite |
![]() Ba-Lamprophyllite |
![]() Cafetite |
![]() Clinophosinaite |
![]() Djerfischerite |
![]() Eudialyte |
![]() Fenaksite |
![]() Hydrodelhayelite |
![]() Galena |
![]() Lamprophyllite |
![]() Rastsvetaevite |
![]() Shcherbakovite |
![]() Titanite |
![]() Umbite |
Quite an interesting list of minerals from this locality in the northeastern
Khibiny massif. Unfortunately all minerals mentioned below come from drill
cores. There are two geological features that produced these minerals. A
unweathered Analcime vein containing much of the carbonate mineralogy such as
barentzite, Shortite, Natrite, Bonshtedtite etc and a sugary albitite rock close
to the contact with the Archean gneiss. This albitite contains dissiminated
minerals such as Agrellite, Lorenzenite, Mosandrite, Eudialyte etc.
Aegirine Agrellite Albite Analcime Ankerite Barentsite Bonshtedtite Brookite
Burbankite-(Ce) Cancrinite Chondrodite Cryolite Elpidite Eudialyte Ewaldite
Ferropyrosmalite Fluorite Galena Harmotome Ilmenite Lorenzenite Mosandrite
Natrite Natrolite Neighborite Petarasite Phillipsite-Ca Pyrite Shortite Siderite
Titanite Trona Villiaumite Zircon
Not yet approved minerals are (click
here for explanation):
M24, M68
Not suprising Rischorr lays in the rischorrite zone, the rock named after this
Kentbrooksite, Mangan-neptunite, Nenadkevichite, Tsepinite-K, Vuoriyarkvite-K
![]() Catapleiite |
![]() Kentbrooksite |
![]() Tsepinite-K |
Saami is the local native population of Kola. This locality should not be confused with Saamski, a mine between Rasvumchorr and the Kirovsi mine.
Almandine Astrophyllite Corund Gibbsite Hercynite Paragonite Sodalite Tugtupite
The Saamski mine is located between Rasvumchorr and the Kirovsky mine in the
apatite zone. Rocks consist of ijolite-urtite.
Hercynite Sodalite Titanite Wadeite
Takhtarvumchorr is located northwest of Kirovsk in the Khibinite zone. The most
interesting geological feature about Takhtarvumchorr is the occurence of
tinguaite rock.
Aegirine Aenigmatite Albite Eudialyte Fluorapophyllite Keldyshite Lavenite
Molybdenite Mosandrite Parakeldyshite Troilite Vinogradovite Zircon
![]() Eudialyte Aenigmatite |
![]() Keldyshite |
![]() Lĺvenite |
![]() Parakeldishite |
![]() Troilite |
An unprecise locality, since the Tuliok river flows all the way from Kukisvumchorr to lake Umbozero. A number of the minerals stated at this locality are most probably from Tullilukht bay.
Burbankite, Dawsonite, Lavenite and Raite.
Tullilukht bay is a bay of lake Umbozero adjoining the eastern part of the
Khibiny massif. The bay is partially enclosed by a southward stretching
peninsula. In 1969 carbonatite was discovered in drill cores from this
peninsula. The center of the carbonatite occurences is located in the bay, just
south of the peninsula. All carbonatite rock is covered by a 20 to 90 meter
thick layer of sediment. The carbonatite is mineralogically the most interesting
rock of Tullilukht bay. Local geology is rather complex. The main silicate rock
at the site is foyaite. In the foyaite lay ijolite xenoliths of up to 20 meters.
There are also dykes of olivine melanephelinite, melanephelinite, phonolite and
alkaly trachyte. All these rocks are cut by intense tectonic actions.
Carbonatites intruded these rocks and formed carbonatites in all the silicate
rocks mentioned above. Of course the contact zones where altered
The carbonatites are partially of magmatic origin. It is believed that only the early phoscorite and calcite stages are magmatic and that the later stages are of metasomatic-hydrothermal origin. These later stages produced the more intereting REE minerals, manganese mineralogy and zeolites. For a more complete discussion of the carbonatites stages of the Khibiny massif, I would like to suggest the reference of zaitsev below. The Raite from here differs from the type material from Lovozero and should be called by it's provisional name M19.
Aegirine Ankerite Arfvedsonite Astrophyllite Augite Biotite Burbankite-(Ce)
Calcite Cancrinite Carbocernaite Chalcopyrite Cryolite Dawsonite Eudialyte
Fluorite Fluoroapatite Galena Gibbsite Ilmenite Khanneshite Kukharenkoite-(Ce)
Kutnahorite Magnetite McKelveyite-(Y) Microcline Nahcolite Natrolite Neighborite
Nepheline Nordstrandite Pyrite Pyrochlore Pyrrhotite Rhodochrosite Siderite
Sphalerite Strontianite Synchisite-(Ce) Titanite Willemite Witherite
![]() Burbankite-(Ce) |
![]() M19 |
Rhombohedral Carbonates from Carbonatites of the Khibiny massif, Kola,
Peninsula, Russia, Anatoly Zaitsev, Canadian Mineralogist Vol34 pp.435-468
Vuonemmiok river flows through ristchorrite and nepheline-syenite rocks and also
cuts the apatite zone. The southbank of the river is made up by mountains as
Rasvumchorr and Koashva, white Yukspor, Eweslogchorr and N'Yourpakhk lay to the
north. The raite mentioned is probably the same as the one mentioned at
Tullilukht bay, since it is found in carbonatites under the mouth of the
Vuonnemiok river. It has a different XRD pattern as the type material and should
probably more correctly named M19
Aegirine Albite Analcime Ankangite Arctite Astrophyllite Belovite-(La)
Bonshtedtite Catapleiite Denisovite Ewaldite Fenaksite Ferrotychite Fersmanite
Fluorite Imandrite Kazakovite Koashvite Kostylevite Lamprophyllite Lithosite
Lomonosovite Lorenzenite Merlinoite Murmanite Natisite Natrolite Natrosilite
Olgite Orthoclase Pectolite Phosinaite-(Ce) Raite Rasvumite Safflorite
Shcherbakovite Shortite Sodalite Thenardite Umbite Villiaumite Vuonnemite
Wadeite Yuksporite Zirsinalite
Not yet approved minerals are (click
here for explanation):
M14, M15, M16, M17, M19
The Material'naya adit is a famous sublocality of Mt.Yukspor
Yukspor is located just east of the Kirovski mine. The apatite zone is
probably running under the most western part, which is now completely excavated.
Yukspor runs further east towards Eweslogchorr in the ristchorrite zone.
Aegirine Anatase Ancylite-(Ce) Ancylite-(La) Annite Anorthoclase Astrophyllite
Barylite Barytolamprofyllite Biotite Calcite Canasite Catapleiite Catapleiite
Cerite-(Ce) Cerite-(La) Chabazite-K Clinobarylite Clinophosinaite Delhayelite
Delindeite Denisovite Diopside Diversilite-(Ce) Djerfisherite Dorfmanite
Edingtonite Epididymite Eudialyte Eveslogite Fenaksite Fersmanite Fluoroapatite
Gaidonnayite Galena Georgechaoite Götzenite Henrymeyerite Heulandite-Ca
Ilimaussite-(Ce) Ilmenite Kalsilite Khibinskite Koashvite Kostylevite
Kuzmenkoite-Mn Labuntsovite-Mn Lamprophyllite Lomonosovite Lorenzenite
Mackinawite Magnesio-Astrophyllite Microcline Molybdenite Mosandrite Murmanite Nabaphite
Natrolite Natrophosphate Nefedovite Nenadkevichite Nepheline Orthoclase
Paranatisite Pectolite Perlialite Phillipsite-K Quartz Rasvumite Rinkite
Shafranovskite Shcherbakovite Sitinakite Sodalite Sphalerite Strontianite
Thomsonite-Sr Tinaksite Titanite Umbite Vanadinite Villiaumite Wadeite
Yttrobetafite-(Y) Yuksporite Zakharovite
![]() Aegirine |
![]() Ba-Lamprophyllite |
![]() Henrymeyerite |
![]() Ilimaussite-(Ce) |
![]() Kostylevite |
![]() Leucophanite |
![]() Molybdenite |
![]() Natrolite |
![]() Perlialite |
![]() Tinaksite |
![]() Yuksporite |
Not yet approved minerals are (click
here for explanation):
M25, M61
Located on the west side of the intrusion in the Khibinite zone.
Aegirine Albite Bastnasite-(Ce) Edenite Ferrokentbrooksite Fluoroapatite
Fluoro-Edenite Labuntsovite-Mn Loparite-(Ce) Nepheline Riebeckite Tundrite-(Ce)
World of Stones 5/6-1995, entire Issue, various authors
Das Chibiny massif auf der Russischen Kola-Halbinsel, S.N.Britvin et al (1996),
Lapis 96 4, p13-30
Mineralogy of Hyperagpaitic Alkaline Rock, A.P. Khomyakov (1995), Clarendon
Press, Oxford, UK
Khibiny, 2005, Yakovenchuk et al, Laplandia minerals